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Friday 16 January 2009

Wherein I break up with Jack Frost

Dear Mr. Frost,

I try not to be a huge complainer. Really, I do. In fact, this little cold snap hasn't really bothered me too greatly. I enjoy snuggling on the couch with a good blanket and a cat. I enjoy a nice warm cup of tea (well, until the mishap the other day). I loooooovvvvvvvve snuggling under my warm duvet at night. I even don't mind pulling the extra warm sweaters out of the back of the closet.

There comes a point in any relationship where you have to examine things. This morning - when my car almost refused to turn itself over... when the windshield was frozen up with just the finest layering of ice that I couldn't actually scrape it with a scraper....when even my seatbelt groaned and grinded and complained at me.... I think, at this point, Mr. Frost, I can no longer have a relationship with you. You've become too frigid, selfish and uncaring. I need someone in my life that is going to look out for me, and for my surroundings. The creaking and groaning of the house last night? Well, that just scared me. The extra static in my hair and dryness on my face...not comforting at all, Mr. Frost. Perhaps you meant well, but I'm sorry, I just can't do this any longer.


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