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Saturday 10 January 2009

It just wasn't meant to be...

God I hope this whole 'eating healthy'/road to a 'healthier me' works so I can try to shed some of this plummage. Since bloating out to my current girth, I've been told that I now snore "all of the time", not just "occasionally". Last night was no exception. We'd gone to bed at 12:00. At 1:30 I am awoken out of a peaceful sleep - "AMBER! You're SNORING. ROLL OVER!"

I rolled over. I tossed and turned. I didn't snore again because I DIDN'T SLEEP AGAIN. I possibly was on the edge, but then got really bad heartburn so had to get up to take an anti-acid pill and figured I might as well pee since I was up anyway. If I wasn't fully awake before this point, I was then. Dear Christopher had no further trouble sleeping, however. He gurgled and snored himself. I made sure he 'felt' the nudging. Finally, about 45 minutes before my alarm was to sound, I was just on the edge of sleep when my nasal passage was attacked by the smelliest, stinkiest flatulence under the covers by the slumbering Christopher. Even Zoe left the room.

It's going to be a freaking long day.

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