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Saturday 31 January 2009

Sadness all around...

What the hell is the world coming to? I recently wrote about the tragedy in a Berlin daycare where a madman went on a killing spree. Chris told me he'd read a story today out of Melbourne, Australia detailing a father who dropped his 4 year old daughter off the West Gate Bridge. She was found, and rescue attempts were made, but unfortunately, she later succumbed to her massive internal injuries. The news is on in the background, and I just heard a news report concerning a newborn baby (2-4 days old) found in a public washroom sink. The baby's mother left the newborn there. Fortunately, the baby is in good health. Last week, closer to home, there was a baby airlifted from the Prince County Hospital in Summerside to the IWK, due to his extensive injuries, and charges are laid for the child abuse that led to his hospitalization.

The past few days, the news is peppered with stories of another heinous, incomprehensible act...the murder of Karissa Boudreau.

Karissa was 12 years old, and had her entire life ahead of her. Her mother, Penny Boudreau, has recently confessed to her murder and is currently serving a 20 year jail sentence. The act was completely premeditated...step by step, she had it planned. She waited for a night when there was an expected snowfall so that her body would be snow-covered to delay its recovery. She pushed her down onto the ground and strangled her to death with a piece of twine. She looked into her daughter's eyes as the little girl breathed her very last breath, pleading for her Mommy to stop. She purposefully pulled the little girl's pants down after dragging her body to her thought-out drop off spot, in order to stage the scene to look like the little girl had been a victim of a sexual assault. And she then followed an elaborate plan to advise the public, her family, and friends that the little girl had gone missing. She pleaded to the public for the safe return of her beloved daughter...all the while knowing that it was all a devious win the attention and love of her boyfriend. The "thought of losing him was worse than the thought of losing her"...

According to accounts by a neighbor, the day after she reported the little girl missing, she started partying. She drank, smoked pot, and enjoyed lobster supper while the body of her little girl lay frozen by the riverbank. Now jailed for the crime, Penny Boudreau is getting her nails done, her hair styled, 3 square meals a day, warm sleeping quarters, and playing bingo. At the age of 54 she will have fulfilled her sentence.

"Karissa is remembered as a little girl who loved pretty clothes, stuffed animals and helping younger children."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's sickening, isn't it? I just hope her life won't be so cushy in jail. The other women will know who she is, and even in prison, people tend to frown on cruelty to childen...