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Wednesday 14 January 2009

There'll be no kisses from me....

Holy Diabolical Mother of JAYSAS...

Words cannot express the utter pain I am in at this very second...

I just got back from boiling some water for tea...I have it in my new travel mug with the super duper lip on it for easy drinking. I was very much looking forward to my tea. It's a bit chilly in the office so I thought it'd warm me up nicely, along with offering me the healthy benefit that is green tea.

I was mid-conversation with a customer...went to take a sip of said tea...I wasn't getting anything so I tipped the mug back a tad (just a teensy, weensy bit) ...all of a sudden, the boiling hot lava-like liquid shot through the teeny tiny drink hole like a tsunami and covered my upper lip and tongue. I felt my lip stick to the lip of the cup...reminiscent of sticking one's tongue on a doorknob on a cold winter day. I believe the skin on the lip is a tad more sensitive than one's tongue, however...

{Insert extreme expletives and feet stomping here...all in my head, of course, as I had to continue said conversation with said customer, as though nothing had happened...}

My lip started to feel funny (well duh,'s burning like a mo fo!)...I felt like my lip gloss was all gunked up or I put my customer on hold, and rubbed the spot...and my skin came with it. An instant blister from the boiling hot, effing tea.


I now have a burning hole in my upper lip, a full mug of tea that I can't drink. I won't be able to taste for a week, and I'm talking with a lisp from the gargantuan hole in my effing face.


Anonymous said...

OMG that must have hurt! If it was me, you would have heard me from one end of the office to the other.

Martha-Anne said...

Wow!!! That is awful!!!

Anonymous said...

OOOOH NOOOOOO!! That sucks, and I hope it's better really soon!! I slipped and fell this morning on my way to my car, and laid there, flat on my back, for a few moments in an icy puddle, before finally hobbling back to my apartment. Hope that makes you feel a little better!

Anonymous said...

XO hope you feel better soon!

Amber said...

Thank you for your concern girlies xox. I think I'm on the mend and am carefully sipping from the same cup. I'm unsure if I'll make tea just yet 'tho.