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Tuesday 22 July 2008

A Proper Paradise?

I wish I could sit here and enjoy this free-of-humidity-evening...however, amid my bliss of having to don slippers, I'm clenching my teeth, and it's taking every ounce of my being not to scream like a banshee out the window at the eff'ing trailerhood kids. Some of them should audition for cinema...their screams rivaling those of the best horror film. I keep telling myself, "They're just kids....we did that when we were kids...they're just having fun....". Then I tell myself to eff off.

When I was a kid, I was brought up to respect myself, and others...and growing up in a close-knit neighborhood filled with many kids, if we screamed like that, we'd be called in the house, and reprimanded very sternly. And we didn't do it again. Where the hell did proper parenting go? Why aren't kids raised in this day and age taught to respect their surroundings ...consequences for their actions ...

Is it just the 'hood?? Chris spoke to them out the bathroom window, stating, "You don't have to walk through people's property screaming"... They all looked around and blamed the other. They've now moved onto a different yard. For now. As they retreated, Chris heard one of them say to the other, "I dare you to go over there and hump the ground".

Does anyone have a free patch of land they could give to me??? Please??

In other news, Chris cut the grass tonight after work...he's now sitting on the couch, socks removed (likely on the floor beside him, but that's a different story)....Bosco is rubbing his face on his sweaty toes, rolling around in a fit of ecstasy.

Life in the 'hood....a proper paradise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BWAHAHAHAHA! I wonder the same thing everything I see kids in the mall/at the movies/in the grocery store. Maybe you can get some really big sticky traps...