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Tuesday 29 April 2008

You're the Yin to my Yang

Holy it's Tuesday already. Yesterday went by in a blur - never had an opportunity to post anything. My sincerest apologies :P. So Chris landed home on Sunday with no fish. His record on par with last season. I was pleasantly surprised that he didn't come in with a curled up nose asking what the 'stink' was. Maybe the scented candles did the trick with the smoke smell? However, we were found out, of course anyway...with his question pertaining to the still-disconnected smoke detectors. Whooops...missed that. Our conversation went something like this:
C: "What happened that you had to disconnect those?"
A: "Um, a slight problem with a frozen pizza"
C: "Problem? What happened?"
A: "Read the blog"
C: "Why can't you just tell me what happened so we can actually 'talk' instead of me reading your blog?"
A: "It's much more entertaining to read about it"
{Chris gives in and reads blog since laptop was in lap anyway}
C: "You can't even cook a frozen pizza?"

Yeah folks - I can't even cook a frozen pizza. Stellar :). Only one more example of how he's the yin to my yang or some such thing.

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