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Thursday 17 April 2008

Hey girl, whatcha doin' down there........

You've all experienced it - you get a song stuck in your head, and it's on repeat for the whole day. Sometimes you don't know how it got there; sometimes, recalling a moment of the past will lead to your internal jukebox being activated. That is the case with me today. It all stemmed from a rather arrogant SOB who started my day off on the wrong foot. It just so happened that he was a member of the DND. That lead to the conversation between myself and a co-worker about DND employees. I tend to think that the military 'arrogance' is part of it all...whether they learn it or it's a prerequesite. That lead to my co-worker reply, 'geez, stereotype much?'... All I can state is my own opinion on the subject, and base my own experiences on it. All point to the same thing - and even Mom agrees - leaving Dad as an example. Admittedly, Dad did have quite an arrogant streak :) ... and growing up, Mom always blamed it on his Naval background. That lead to thoughts of him and I dancing to Tony Orlando's "Knock Three Times". I would step on his feet and he's sway me around the orange living room carpet. Listen to the song here (check out the retro fashion too...bonus!):

Betcha can't play that song and not sing along to it in your head. You might even find yourself humming the tune aloud! So far I've played it about 5 times myself. It's a happy song. It conjures up happy memories for me. It helped to turn my day around from a nasty start, to something more positive.

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