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Wednesday 16 April 2008

Viewer Discretion Advised

I've been blocked! My friend sends me the following email today: "I can no longer access your blog at work. Apparently the Department of Education feels that you are doing some match making!!!" WTF? Does "My Happy Place" equate to a 'meet market'? Like I've mentioned before, I tend to envision someone cradling herself on the floor, rocking back and forth when I hear the blog name, dunno about the Dept of Ed. My matchmaking skills suck - I've tried to set up two people in my life, and both attempts failed miserably, and I haven't blogged about either. Waaaaiiiiit a minute.....I bet it's got something to do with posting about The Bachelor? Maybe?? Good grief. Sorry DoEd...I'm not gonna stop posting about Sir Matt- cause he's just too cute. I sure wish you'd unblock me. Lana is one of my biggest fans. Please? I don't even use major curse words.

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