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Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Life is like a Katy Perry song...

3 hours ago I was sweating profusely....high humidex - 35 degrees Celcius. You know it's a hot day when you arrive home and the cats are sprawled on the floor looking up at you with the most pathetic of looks - their eyes, pleading, "Please Mummy, shave me". That would solve a multitude of problems, no doubt, but it wouldn't be a pretty sight...and wouldn't it grow in thicker? So I got out the spare cat bowl and filled it with ice cubes - turned on every available fan, and tried to find a cross-breeze. I hate complaining this early in the season...but. It's a hard day in the 'hood when the toilet is sweating as much as I am.

Anyway. About an hour ago I found myself reaching for a blanket to cover my goosebumps. I'd already shut off the fan and I was still cold. A huge fog bank drifted in, dropping the air temp from 25 to 16 degrees very quickly.

The air is still again, and I'm just about to throw the blanket off.

At least I can blame it all on the unpredictable Maritime weather instead of the upcoming "change" that's bound to happen. As Mom says, "It can happen in your 30's, Amber".

1 comment:

Lana said...

Did you kiss a girl and like it?