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Saturday 8 November 2008

I just don't get it..again...

You may recall a previous list of WTF's. As you might imagine, that is not a list that one could every truly complete. Herein, I give you more...
  • I'm 36 years old and I still get zits. A lot of them. Isn't acne a teenager thing? JEBUS!
    You'd think I'd just entered puberty by looking at my face.
  • people who feel they need to yell, scream and berate to get their point across. What ever happened to peace and love? (I think this one has made the list before, but it's such an everyday wtf it deserves to be here again).
  • the mullet; especially those who STILL have one!
  • when restaurants leave the tail on shrimps in a shrimp & pasta dish. Even sauce-y dishes where you have to swirl your fingers around trying to catch the little 'effers to de-tail them, usually missing a few times. So very 'posh' to sit there licking the pasta ooze off your fingers after biting into the tail end to rip it off the meat, like a barbarian, isn't it?
  • when you are walking in a crowd and toward another person going the other way, and that person chooses to not move even a millimeter out of your way. Is it some sort of 'crowd chicken' game?
  • people who incessantly gossip behind other peoples' backs...and then are so two-faced to the people they just talked about. They must live such sad, sad lives to have to do that.
  • why people don't follow the 'rules of the road' when walking through crowds. Should the direction of the crowd flow not follow the same direction our streets flow in? If you don't know what I'm talking about, visit the flea market this weekend. Most people get this, but it never fails that there are a few stragglers moving in the opposite direction, thus getting in the way of an entire path of oncoming people. You can't tell me we have that many people visiting from Europe :P.
  • how skinny people can sit and eat Big Mac after Whopper after fried chicken...and stay skinny. That, my friends, is just wrong.
  • the fact that society feels Kate Winslet is a 'plus-size' actress; she's size TWELVE. I would give my left arm to be a size 12. And I think she's frickin HOT.
  • why men can't pick up after themselves.

That last one seems to mark a fitting spot to end this list...otherwise I may just open a whole other can 'o worms :)


Anonymous said...

hmmmm, people who gossip incessently about other people and then are nice as pie to their faces....hmmm, that sounds like a couple of girls I went out to dinner with at BP just recently!!

Amber said...

This really is pertaining to those 'gossipers' who speak ill of others to try to stir sh!t and make their lives a living h-e-double-hockey-sticks. The girls of which you speak about aren't doing it with evil undertones.