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Monday 10 November 2008

I don't like Mondays...

It was so warm in the bedroom last night to try to sleep. By some miracle I fell asleep at first rather quickly, but then woke up 3 hours later to both cats cocooning in my knee pit to the point that I was trapped from moving to a different sleeping position. The combined body heat of them didn't help matters at all. So I got up to pee and tried to get back to sleep. I don't think I slept that great after that. I tossed and turned a bit, and had weird dreams. Typical Sunday night I suppose? And how did you sleep?

So after work on Saturday I made sure to advise Christopher of my unhappiness with him for his nasty little prank. All he could do was sit there and giggle at me. He thinks this means we are going out to get a dog. No. If he brought me that exact same, identical dog I might have a problem saying no. But only that exact same, identical dog.

Saturday evening we did little more than eat supper, watch TV and sleep. And it wasn't long after settling down to watch TV that I actually fell asleep. Let's just say that I was well rested by the time Sunday rolled around. Aside from maybe an hour in between, I estimate I had approximately 11 to 12 hrs of sleep (may also have something to do with my trouble getting back to sleep. Maybe). Exciting times in the 'hood, let me tell you.

Yesterday Chris' parents visited in the morning for coffee. I let them read Saturday's post about the puppy, and we all had a good laugh about it. Why is it the only times the "in-laws" land unexpectedly, the house is in shambles? I was literally waving cat hairs away from Rose's coffee mug in hopes of re-routing them away from going inside it. After the visit, I went into high cleaning mode, and cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, swept the floors, did about 6 loads of dirty laundry, and cleaned up the floor of the closet, folding enough clothing to suit up a small country (a pet peeve that may not have made it to my previous lists, but should - my closet. I hate, hate, loathe, despise, hate my closet).

It's now Monday; we didn't have any milk for cereal, little to no cream for coffee, and have very little toilet paper.

I don't like Mondays...

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