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Friday 10 July 2009

A new season begins...

Oooh I think it's going to be a fun season of BB! I was totally bummed that it wasn't Evil Dick who was reprising his role in the house as the 13th guest...but have to admit I kinda knew he wouldn't be in the running after seeing Lydia there. They wouldn't have 2 bad a$$es in there after all. Jessica looked amazing didn't she? I was rooting for her, once it came down to who the choice was between, with Jessie being my least favorite to pick from. He's bigger this year, isn't he? That just means he'll be twice as cocky and twice as annoying...ah the drama! Bring 'er on!

Some early insights from watching the first show:
-my favorites: Lydia, Casey, Kevin and Jeff. I find Casey terribly amusing; Lydia is all-out cool (perhaps in an Evil Dick kinda way, so perhaps I am showing a bias); I freaking LOVE Kevin; and Jeff, let's just face it, he's pretty to look at.
-my UNfavorites: Chima, Laura, Natalie and Jessie. Chima's attitude, laugh and 'sense of humor' already tick me off. I already don't like her. I already have deep-seated resentment toward Jessie and the drama that follows him, so that goes without saying. Laura is a female Jessie, if you ask me. And she's 'blown up' as big as Jessie, in places, isn't she? Perhaps Laura and Jessie can go make babies together and raise a family of cockies? Natalie's M.O. in the game by playing an 18-year-old-who-is-OBVIOUSLY-not-18-years-old is stupid. She's a tit.
-as the first HoH competition got underway I realized just how asinine the show really is - super wedgies?? Hilarious though - and I love it. Casey's 'maneuvers' with his wedgie clinched his spot on my favorite list, in fact.

Can't wait til Sunday night.

What did ya'll think?

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