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Tuesday 7 July 2009

Adiós espuma balso!

Finally! Finally! FINALLY!!!!!!!

Bachelorette viewers nation-wide are now collectively rejoicing that the scumbag Wes has finally been booted from the show. Looooong, long, long overdue.

First he trips up over dinner and outright says, "my, uh...I mean my ex-girlfriend", and didn't even try to back peddle... *Awkward!* To then have the audacity to say he figured they should forgo their individual rooms was beyond appalling. He sealed his perverse, sleezy, disgusting, grotesqueness with his remark at rose time - "if it's me (to go home without a rose) 'you can bet I'll be going home to a whole bunch of sex'... His comments in the limo aren't even worth mentioning. Yeah buddy - your acting days are over...I hope your music days are over, too. And your girlfriend days, too.

I couldn't bear to have a real picture of him on my blog, so I had to doctor it up enough to be bearable.

If you ask me the only 'whole bunch of sex' that he'll be getting is exercising his hand.

As you were.


Rhonda Bowlan said...

LMAO-WELL said! I think we were all yelling at our tv's! Thank God!

Erin said...

love you !!!! You are so right and put it well into words!!!