Holy drama!! The more I see Keesha, the more I like her --is it because she reminds me (thanks to Chris' reference) of Danielle from BB8? ...or is it because she curses like a sailor, like me, and potty mouths have to stick together? Jessie, although a big oaf that likes to stir sh!t up, can have his softer moments when it comes to those he gets along with. He was very good to Michelle, when she was a pouty SORE LOSER (I mean really...did she really think that no one would take the Hawaii trip from her?? - although Libra was a snotty biotch about it - but I wouldn't think anything less of her). The 'moment' between Dan and Jessie was Hallmark-card-worthy...a hug shared between two heterosexual men lasting 17 seconds long though...hmmm. As much as I hate Libra, I'm liking the drama that follows her, so perhaps we can keep her around a bit more. That said, I guess that would mean that we really need to see Memphis go this week...and keep Jessie around a bit longer to keep encouraging Libra's outrageous outrages.
I love Big Brother :)
Now on to Canadian Idol - I have to admit, I enjoyed the 'entertainment' aspect of it...Tom Jones always holds a soft sp0t in my heart since Dad introduced me to his music, and his old stuff reminds me of our 'dances' around the living room. However, I didn't get much agreement out of Chris when I asked him if he'd ever go to a TJ concert ("um, I dontthinkso"). I'd totally go! Anyways, onto the results...of course it's no surprise to bid adieu to Marky-Mark. Maybe Zach should have thrown his panties at him last night after all?
Gosh I'm rambling? *urp* Perhaps it's the beerapy?
Night :)
Love that song. It's corny as all hell, but I still love it. Tom Jones can bring it.
Glad your feeling better even if it means you found your happiness at the botton of a beer bottle.
5 more sleeps then we have to get together!!
Hey now...it was one beer. My happiness was coupled with the cold beer, the screaming match on BB, and the tunes of the ever-so-sexy (ha!) TJ on Idol! :P
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