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Wednesday 10 October 2007

Sometimes I just want happy silence...

Greetings - so I opted for my flat shoes today. Yesterday was difficult! The shoes were very pretty...and I felt so tall and svelte. Well, I felt tall. But I actually had to walk differently to avoid going over on my ankles. If I felt that the new walk would, somehow, aid in calorie-burning I might consider wearing them always, but ... reality is a biotch. This all aside, I really miss my sandals. I do need to go out shopping for some comfortable, fashionable, comfortable, inexpensive, comfortable shoes. Lana's already made fun of my 'flats'. Who wants to go shoe shopping with me?

I'm happy it's hump day. Yesterday we had to work an extra hour overtime but we're back to normal hours for the remainder of the week. Despite the fact that it's a 4 day week and normal hours, though,'s c-r-a-w-l-i-n-g....likely because I'm on vacation next week!!!!! EEE!!! I had hoped to report that we'd be taking a trip somewhere, but I'm afraid that won't come to fruition....booooooooo adulthood and booooooo on bills. I'm hoping we might even be able to skip away to Moncton even for a just a day trip or something...we'll see.

Congratulations to Christopher ( for having photos accepted by a stock photo agency! That's big for a budding photographer. Proud of you hunny!! *muah*

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