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Monday 22 October 2007


I found out today that a co-worker lost her battle with cancer. She passed away yesterday. She was in her early 40's, single mother to a young daughter (12 years old), and a positive joy to all who had the fortune to meet/know her. It was a brief battle, but to my understanding, she wasn't the 'same' person after just a short while; it was brain cancer, and it was very aggressive.
I heard co-workers saying she was at work, at her desk on July 27, and now, Oct 21, she's gone.

I can't stop thinking of her little girl...not yet a teenager, and now, without a Mom to go to for advice, a shoulder, a helping hand.... I guess her daughter gave her a big hug and told her she loved her, and after leaving, that's when she passed. Her daughter is fortunate to have had the opportunity to have the last words be, "I love you". Even though our loved ones 'know' we love them, it helps to heal knowing we've said the words that one last time. I worry that she'll regret not being there to see her mother go...mind you, at her young age, it's really for the best. Knowing I missed Dad's passing though, there's always a piece of me that regrets going out to supper that night...regrets not going straight to the hospital to see him. Regrets not saying "I love you" just one more time. Mind you, maybe he 'waited' until I wasn't there too, and in this case, perhaps my friend waited for her daughter to go, too.

Please, please, those who are reading this now...go straight to the ones you love and give them an extra squeeze...tell them that you love them... Call those people that you've been meaning to call but can't get around to it - tell them how much they mean to you. If you can't call, email them, write them a letter... Life is so precious, and so fragile...and we never know how much time we have left with those we love. Live life with no regrets......

RIP will be sadly missed.

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