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Monday 16 February 2009

Happy Birthday Cathy!

A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double. ~Toni Morrison

Today is my sister Cathy's birthday. She was the first born, and 12 years separate us. She left home at a very young age, so due to this, I don't have a lot of memories growing up in the same house with her, unfortunately. I do, have, however a few distinct memories. I recall two distinct birthday presents she gave me growing up: a puzzle she had completed and then framed. The puzzle was a picture of a collection of old dolls and teddy bears; and, a rug hook wall hanging she made of a brown-haired girl, from behind, sitting on a stool. The girl had long hair that she had put in a braid. She said it reminded her of me (the only few years I had long hair).

Cathy was always the distant sibling, but always just a phone call away. Our relationship grew a lot stronger when Dad got sick. She was able to come home for his final days, and my roommate Tanya gave up her bed in our apartment for her. It was so nice to have her close for that difficult time in both of our lives, and we're much better friends than we ever were before after having gone through it together.

She's had a rough few years, but has remained very strong through it all and I can only hope and pray that better times are on her horizon. She's independant, thoughtful and caring. Her family remains, and will always be, the top priority in her life. Today I raise a glass to you, my sister, and friend. I hope the year ahead brings you more happiness than you know what to do with. Love you much ~ xoxo.

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