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Wednesday 4 February 2009

Group Date

Oh how exciting it would be to return home from a long day to a clean house. How do I ever manage that? Any ideas? Damn you cleaning fairy...why'd you up and leave me without so much as a note? So unfair. The TRAIL of items just keeps getting longer...from dishes to bottles to strewn flyers to change to bottle caps to dirty drawers to ....ENOUGH! Would begging help?

Ok getting home I was cranky to begin with, so tuning into AI and hearing the whining and drama that was 'group night' just added salt to a wound...Oh the begging and tears. Oh so many tears. No one died, didn't make it on American Idol. Move on. Sore losers p!ss me off. I wasn't even going to blog about the show, in fact I almost went to bed at 9:30 but Facebook kept me occupied while the show ran. I think Danny was the only one that I heard that made me look up from my laptop...that, and Bikini Biotch's excuse for not working with her group. Imagine!! She was wearing heels all day. What were they expecting? How dare they be so hard on that poor, poor girl *eyes rolling into head*. I'm elated that they finally booted her sorry a$$. Bravo, judges. Bravo.

JEBUS enough with the prayers to Jesus to make you sing better. If you can sing, you can sing. If you can't you'll not go farther. 20 seconds of prayer surely won't help you. I really liked that Duffy song before they murdered it.

I think Amber needs a good night's sleep. Night all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope today was a better day. See you tomorrow!