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Tuesday 10 June 2008

TLC and a laptop

Ok - I've been a neglectful blogger... What's been keeping me away, my dear pets? I know you're pulling out the deepest of your darkest imaginations - conjuring up steamy imagery of a forbidden tryst or amazing getaway, aren't you? Alas, it couldn't be further from the truth. The truth, really can be summed up into two words: TLC and a laptop.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm in desperate need of my own meeting with Stacy & Clinton; I now have an urge to strip and paint my kitchen cupboards, and take a sledge hammer to my tub and bathroom sink; and, I have complete confidence that I've chosen my correct destiny by choosing not to have children. If you're on the fence on that one yourself, watch an episode or two of "Jon & Kate Plus 8" and you'll see what I mean.

Today marks day 2 of a *long-awaited* vacation from work - after a TLC-consumed weekend, yesterday started out quite constructively. I made an honest effort to clean the house - sweeping and scrubbing the floors in the living room & kitchen, in between 3 loads of laundry. As I was just finishing up putting load #3 in the dryer and dumping the mop bucket, Mr. Purolator arrived with my lappie. The mop is still outside, and load 3 is still in the dryer. (TLC is on in the background).

I have lots to accomplish this week, including:
~ cleaning the remaining parts of the house
~ visiting the DMV to register my car and renew my license
~ booking an oil change appointment for Gigit
~ booking appointments for Bosco & Zoe for their yearly shots
~ grocery shopping
~ embarking on my walk routine around the trailerhood

Guess I'd better get busy. Happy Tuesday!

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