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Tuesday 17 June 2008

The Morning Commute...

To the person ahead of me in the line-up at the Tim Horton's drive-thru today *and yesterday:

The bright, newly-painted, yellow lines are there for a reason. If you are attempting to turn left out of the area (and good luck with that by the way), kindly stay the EFF between your own two bright, newly-painted yellow lines instead of parking your sorry a$$ in-between your lines and MY lines. Jebus the mentality THAT low that there is a necessity for big yellow arrows everywhere? It seemed pretty self-explanatory to me.

Oh, and to the person in the traffic heading toward the highway at the intersection yesterday - thank you for allowing yesterday's Darwin out in front of you. It would appear that you are very adept at lip-reading.

*not the same individual, but of equal mentality

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