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Wednesday 12 January 2011

overheard at the office...

Where I work, we deal with customer accounts. In accordance with the privacy act, we do have to make every effort to ensure that our customers' privacy is protected. We offer, and encourage, our customers to add a security password to their account. We ask for this password when they call with an inquiry so we, of course, are assured we're talking to the right person. The problem lies in the fact that most people forget what they've used for their password. We also suggest a corresponding hint question that enables the customer's recall of the right answer, but some people don't bother with the hint question. They still forget what the password is when they call. We then try to give our own hints, based on what we see the password to be. A co-worker was telling a story the other day about her encounter with such a scenario:

Customer calls in. Customer's account is password protected. Customer does not have a corresponding hint question. The forgotten password is ham basket. Service agent attempts to help customer come up with the answer to the password question by offering the following, "It might possibly be a place of employment that you've had".

*queue uproarious laughter*

For those of my readers (like the aforementioned service agent) who may not know what this colloquialism may be referring to, I've taken the liberty of finding it for you on urban dictionary and have linked the definition to the term. Simply click the link, and you will be filled with more wisdom than you were a few moments ago.

*resume uproarious laughter*

Supposing the service agent did know the meaning of the term, what do you suppose she may have used for her 'hint'? "It might possibly be one of your hidden talents?"

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

That is hilarious! It has also left me wondering as to who may have offered this hint to the customer!