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Monday 25 October 2010

"Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example"*

I woke up 45 minutes late today. When I woke up the house was a cool 13 degrees Celcius. Having to hop into the shower when it's THAT cold in the house is near torture. Sooo, since I started my day off being annoyed, I figured it fitting to continue my list of annoyances for your reading pleasure. See also this, this, and even this, if you're so inclined. I really am a nice person despite the bitchiness that is a little apparent in the postings. Hey, it's good to get it out, wha? And without further ado, the list goes on...

-videos buffering. It'
-large lettuce leaves in my caesar salad (and why is it only caesar? Perhaps it's something I just don't know about. Is that particular form of rabbit food intended to be consumed with a knife and fork and not just a fork?)
-incessant nose whistles! I hate, hate, hate, hate that. I mean, seriously, can't you HEAR yourself? I instantly start sucking back imaginary snot myself trying to WILL the person to suck their own back to squelch the whistle. It never works, either.
-candid photos. I know, I know, they're "fun". Why always be 'posed'? Well, when you have more than one chin and a baker's dozen (rolls, that is) down your front it's very important to be strategically posed to try to cut down on the obvious. Standing in behind a large tree also helps.
-when people say, "for all intensive purposes". It's FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, people! You try to sound intelligent, but you just end up failing. Miserably.
-Since I'm on the topic of the English language, some major annoyances -- when people don't get the difference between your and you're, than and then or even they're/there/their. I've taken the liberty to link a few handy reference guides if you find yourself amongst them. I won't judge. Well, maybe I will. If you're a FB friend and you're (see what I just did there?) amongst those who are perpetually guilty of said offenses, I may have hidden you from view.

I could probably ramble on ad nauseam, but the morning comes early and since I already overslept today, and I've consumed a cup of Sleepytime Tea, methinks it's time I call it a night. This has been fun though. Feel free to add to the list in the comments ;). I just know I can't be the only one thinking these thoughts...

**EDIT: Because it's too important to not include and at the risk of sounding pompous and rude: 'IRREGARDLESS' IS NOT A WORD, PEOPLE! (Thanks Trudy ;) -- I totally meant to include that one).

*Mark Twain.


Toughie said...

Illrelevant and irregardless. That's all I have to say about that.

Amber said...

Good catch! I TOTALLY meant to include "irregardless". It fills me with rage, really.

Shar said...

Shedule. Who says that?! Do they go to shool as well?

Unthaw. So you're going to freeze it again are you?

Lana said...

I always have to add "alot", "I seen" and "Me and my friend" to this list.
My mom also gets very "flustrated" if you use "unappropriate" language. :-)