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Monday 19 July 2010

Chris & Ali, sittin' in a tree......

And now we're back to the Bachelorette (and OMG did you happen to catch the preview for the Bachelor Pad in the commercials!!? Fear not my pretties, the blog shall never fail to have good reality tv fodder! Not to mention the return of KIPTYN!!!).

I missed recapping last week with the hometown dates and the meeting of the potential in-laws. In short-form: Roberto looked hot in his baseball uniform. Chris secured his place in my (and hopefully Ali's) heart with a touching visit home, and Frank's hometown date was typical Frank and Ali. I was never overly attached to Kirk, so when he was let go, I wasn't overly concerned. And, I can't help but think that perhaps his father weirded her out with his extra-curricular activities? Say it with me folks,.........creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppy!

Tonight we embark upon Frankie's indecision - something that the previews have already ruined, and if you read my blog and read the comment section of my Bachelorette posts, my Spoiler already ruined for me. All I gotta ask is, how long did he and Nicole go out, how long have they been apart, and what made them split in the first place?? Was this show a test for him? For him to figure out what he wanted? The fact that he took this long to figure it out seems completely ridiculous to me... (Hmmmmm....there I go speculating about the scripted potential of this damn show). Gotta say, the chemistry between Frank and Nicole was blatantly obvious. Perhaps they'll marry and have twins - one boy, one girl - naming them Al and Ali? *shrug*

{HOW cheesy was that 'snap the wet head back' as Ali frolicked in the ocean?}

{Ok, I totally wanna go to Tahiti}

Obviously we knew before the show's end who she's choosing between for the "final rose", so there's not much more to say. While her date with Roberto was steamy and they indeed have physical pull toward one another, there's just something about her and Chris. They fit. They laugh, they joke, and they have a romantic spark. I loved their little pearl hunt -- and she better get jewelery made out of those pearls she found! If you read this blog, Ali -- CHRIS is the KEEPER!!**

{I'm truly growing tired of her expressing how she gave up her job - her whollllle life - just to be here.....We GOT it, Ali. We got it}

{Oh my EFF she's whiny!!}

*Do I have to warn you again, Spoiler?! I hope not!


Rhonda M said...

I missed last weeks entry and was hoping there would be something this morning. As usual. I totally agree with everything you say. If she don't want Chris, I'll gladly have him!
Looking forward to more....

Lana said...

I hope this whole Frank thing is not a set up for him to be the next bachelor.