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Wednesday 30 December 2009

Happy Eve Eve

I will be back to regular blogging soon. I promise. I've caught a cold and I feel like poop. In between snuffing and sniffing and I'll admit, a little whining, I'm trying to get through the days with a semblance of normalcy. I've not yet called in sick at work, and tonight I'm trying to get the laundry done and the house in order. After having just sat down though, I'm kind of wishing there wasn't a load of clothes churning and needing attention. I also have a feeling that I'll be watching the ball drop under a blanket on my couch tomorrow night. BAH! At least there's a cold bottle of Pinot Grigio chillin' in the fridge.

So our white Christmas came a few days late. We had a wintery and blustery night last night. While most of the Island stayed their arse home, Chris decided we should brave the weather and look at faucets. Our current one is leaking and needs to be replaced, and he felt that the decision needed a 'girl' opinion so as to avoid the new chosen faucet clashing with our current sink. Since a clashing sink/faucet combo would undoubtably affect re-sale value when we finally ever put this place on the market, I am glad he thought of me :). Before heading to the plumbing aisles we went for supper at Boston Pizza (we had two generous gift cards given to us for Christmas -- thanks Fred, Belinda & Colleen!!). We also stopped at Walmart and I got my first Christmas gift for 2010. Perhaps this year I will pick up a gift at a time and have stuff bought early. That'd be the smart thing to much do you doubt I will do it? Yeah, me too.

I finally bought myself a pair of winter boots this year. I'm tired of cold, wet feet...and the day when I was attempting to scrape my icy windows and I almost stepped out of my little black shoe I was convinced it was something I *needed* to do. So on the idea from Tanya, I went to Soft-Moc and got myself a pair of those generic "Ugg" boots. They're just like wearing slippers, in fact, it feels 'wrong' walking outside in them because they feel so much like slippers. They're very flat though, so not offering much support. They're great for going from the car to the house but I don't know that I'd wear them out again for walking around the stores. Oh, and my biggest issue? They pull your darn socks off! I literally removed my socks from my feet in between stores last night and went barefoot because there are few things that annoy me as much as the feeling of socks that have slipped off my heels (these were literally hanging by my toe pads when I went to fish 'em out). I gotta say, though, barefoot and all, my feet weren't the least bit chilled :).

Mom & Todd are still in Ontario. They decided to stay in Ontario for a few more days to get more time in with the family. It also may be a blessing in disguise with the added security going on in international airports this week due to that attempted terrorist attack (wtf, eh?). Hopefully by the time they go to leave on Friday things will have settled down.

I guess that keeps you in the know. Happy New Years Eve Eve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barefoot in the snow, hey! You know the nords used to take a hot steamy bath and then run outside in the snow and roll around! Would'nt that take the romance out of your Willy. I hope the present you got was mine.