They played to a nearly packed crowd, and the audience was very courteous. I highly encourage you all to take in a show of either of theirs the next time they're in town.
Holy crap, am I really a fan of folk music? I never, ever thought I'd actually say that...but yeah, I think I am! There's so much depth, emotion and realism to the lyrics...and a story. It's always about the story, isn't it?
Well this ol gal is tiiiirrred...and it's cold in here... I can hardly wait to jammie up and burrow deep down into them covers...and I look completely forward to an unforgiving sleep in tomorrow......... Happy Weekend, folks! :)
Folk music stinks
if you had asked me a month ago which one of us was more likely to appreciate that concert, I never would have believed I would have been the one leaving at intermission. I just couldn't handle it any longer. I'm glad you guys liked it though.
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