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Friday, 9 October 2009


For a while now I've noticed our bathtub draining a little slower than it should during my daily showers. Since obtaining this new 'hairstyle' my layers are much, much longer than they were for well...forever, so I'm now noticing that I do lose a bit during the shampoo/conditioner process. When behind me and looking at my back I believe Chris noted that I was "shedding" one day. Perhaps I'm over-processed and damaged goods, but that's an aside. The main concern with this post is the drainage.

What remains is a copy of the email exchange between Christopher and I:
Chris: "So, I don't know if you noticed, but I removed the ball of hair from the tub. It was so gross. I'll spare you most of the details with the exception of one. I think it had a heart beat."

Me: "I noticed. It reminded me of the Ring."

Chris: "Much more slimy than The Ring. The tearing of the strands while removing felt like I was killing it. So gross."

Me: "Thank you for coming to my rescue, then. xo"

Chris: "Oh man, I never thought that it would crawl up out of the drain under it's own power, undoubtedly wrapping it's stringy appendages around your legs, ultimately grabbing hold and pulling you through the drain. Likely a very long, painful death scene worthy of only the cheesiest of horror movies."

Me: "Yeah, but you know what they say - it's better to be safe than sorry."

My honey just has a way with words, doesn't he?


Lana said...

ha ha ha ha!! I think I have the same beast living in my shower drain!

Tina said...

I just had to remove a slimy hairball from my tub drain yesterday...its was soooo gross


Rhonda Bowlan said...

The BEST laugh out loud I had today!I used to have that problem , I use a "hair trapper"! know how thick my hair is!