I happened upon a story detailing a new kind of torture. Four jilted ladies joined arms, taking the law into their own hands for the sole purpose of teaching their cheating lover a lesson. They tricked him into de-robing, and relaxing on a bed in a motel room, blindfolded. The end results were much different than he'd anticipated, however...for they Krazy-glued his manhood to his stomach rather than giving him the little 'rub down' that he expected.
The victim apparently chewed through one of his bindings (sheer sheet) and was able to call for help. The four women face up to 6 years imprisonment.
To read the full story: http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/WeirdNews/2009/08/03/10351336-ap.html
Let's face it, it could have been a lot worse - they could have pulled a Bobbit... Super glue will at least come off, eventually. In googling remedies to remove super glue from the skin, the poor eff'ers situation gets even funnier:
...rubbing the glue that's dried on your skin, will speed things up a bit. The glue can be slightly painful while it's drying, but once it's there leaving it there for a while is better for you than pulling off your own skin trying to get it off....If you can't wait, there are plenty of ways to speed things up. The most effective is acetone...Somewhere in the middle between waiting and acetone is simple soap and water. Wash the area with dish or hand soap four or five times over the course of an hour, and you'll feel it loosening. Another option is applying hand lotion over the spot, then wiping it away and washing...In both cases, I think it's more a matter of helping your skin shed its top layer than the product doing anything to the actual super glue, but it does help.
Yeah, I'm giggling over some poor douchebag who is in some slight discomfort. He'll survive. No I don't condone what the jilted lovers did to him, but I do understand what it feels like to be cheated on. Fidelity isn't something to be taken lightly. Let the poor douchebag's story be a lesson learned...don't cheat...and, for goodness sake, don't let super glue get anywhere near your, ...er...private parts.
I want to know how 4 jilted women managed to convince him to go into the hotel room in the first place. Did he think that was a scenario that was going to be positive? What kind of egoist was he anyway?? Sheesh!! Men!!
whats wrong with a guy having a few women. I was reading the Old Testament and it was very common to have many wives/lovers and even the wives would offer thier housemaids to thier husband for pleasure and to inseminate. The poor guy was just trying to practice his religious beliefs and the heathen/nonGOD fearing women rebuked him. Shame on them!!!!
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