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Wednesday 15 December 2010

can andy say that?

I never miss Ellen. I think she is completely and utterly fabulous. Her kindness and generosity know no boundaries, and she's constantly helping a variety of different causes and people in need. She's a genuine 'feel good' person, and you can't help but smile at her antics. Watch the following excerpt from today's show where she pokes a little harmless fun at Andy, her executive producer:

This totally made my day today. Thanks Ellen!!!


Lana said...

Thank you so much!!! You just had us cracking up in the staff room! What a way to let off some steam after dealing with kids who are high on Santa right now!!

Anonymous said...

This was sooooooo funny. Can't wait to hear, where or how Andy will hide his Easter Eggs.

Carolyn said...

This was hilarious! Hope you don't mind but I'm stealing to share with others :)