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Wednesday, 6 January 2010

To resolve, or not to resolve...

I'm always very reluctant to 'resolve' to do anything as we embark upon a new year. I don't believe a "resolution" to be anything more than a highway to failure, because we, as a people, aim too high and overreach on our expectations for ourselves. Failure leads to disappointment and feelings of poor self-worth. Why breed low self-esteem? And why is it so important to have huge goals on January 1? Why not June 1? April? Why not decide to make changes as you need them? (Perhaps this is my feeble attempt at self satisfaction now...for making myself feel better for not admitting that I have things to improve upon though too *wink*, and I year, fresh start, fresh slate, yadda...).

One blog I read regularly takes a comical (heh, pardon the pun) approach to New Years resolutions and resolves to list anti-resolutions for the upcoming year. Give her a read; she's an amazing writer, and will spur on a giggle or two, guaranteed. I'll leave the anti-resolutions to Sarcomical because she's far more witty than I. Herein I will attempt to notate items which need attention. It is an open-ended list of things that I may or may not accomplish in the next 359 days or so. If I do any of them, yay for me; if I don't I'll not beat myself up about it, either (yikes! passive agressive much??! - j/k I'm my worst critic, so there'll be beatin' ...heh):

-to continue my 'healthier eating' approach to life (yet never deprive)
-to commit 1 day/week to my momma - be it an outing for the two of us, a visit to watch tv with her, or just a phone call.
-to read 1 book per month (that might be a high reach - ok 1 book every two months?)
-to drink more water
-to try new fruits and vegetables
-to pay my Visa down
-to own (ie, have the ability to fit my fat calves into) a pair of high boots
-to have a more positive attitude re: certain things in my life
-to laugh more
-to craft more, even if it's just making cards
-to de-clutter (oh this is a big one)
-to exercise and learn to like it

I think that's a good spot to end the list. What are your plans for the upcoming year?

Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word. Goran Persson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Follow in the footsteps of the lord jesus!