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Wednesday 25 August 2010

"It's 5 THOUSAND dollars; that's more money than I've made in the last two years!"

I know I've missed a few's tough to keep up when the show's on 3 times a week! Probably my favourite quote from Sunday's unblogged episode was Matt declaring his homosexual bromance.

And moving onward to this evening's entertainment....
  • Was Brendan really wearing an eye mask to soak up his tears, all the while talking to himself and bemoaning his Rachel-less status in the house? Yeah. He was.
  • Ladies and gentlemen, the oaf quote of the day: "It's 5 THOUSAND dollars; that's more money than I've made in the last two years!".
  • Chum* bath; okay NO amount of money in the world is worth that. Who all thinks he should have had to soak in it a bit longer each session, though?
  • I love how Britney and Ragan wear matching t's.
  • "Private Toolbag". That made me snicker.
  • That's one ugly penguin. I kinda like the feet, though.
  • Pandora wasn't very good to poor Britney. Or us. I kinda hoped I'd never have to see that meathead rip off another wife beater ever again. Thankfully it wasn't a long visit.
  • Can't wait for tomorrow's double eviction!

*I apparently am a 12 year old boy inside a 30-something woman's fluffy body, as I prove it again after sitting, giggling and reciting to Chris, some of the other 'chum' definitions. I love urban dictionary.

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