“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
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Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Birthday girlies!
So, in my blogging absence, I've missed posting well wishes to some birthday girls. I shall now celebrate them with a few belated wishes, since they're so awesome :).
The lovely RhondaB lit another candle this year. Rhonda is a special, special person with a heart of gold. She's tons of fun, loves having a good time, and is an amazing wife and mother. She's one of my biggest fans and I thank her for continued words of encouragement and enthusiasm. Thank you Rhonda for your friendship. You're a real keeper! I look forward to many, many shared times, whether we're celebrating another year on the calendar, summer kick offs, or concerts of a lifetime. Love ya, girlie!! xoxo.
Next we have Miss Trudy! Trudy is someone I truly adore. She's my cousin, and most importantly, my friend. She's witty, sarcastic, thoughtful, and real. I've often been after her to start up a blog of her own, and lo and behold, this year, she went and did just that. She's a crafty little thing - sewing things from scratch, and re-purposing things others have long given up on. Go on and say hello - tell her I sent ya :). Wishing you mucho happy, lady. Thanks for all the laughs. I'm raising a tumbler of Crown 'n ginger up high in the air to celebrate the cornucopia of awesomeness that is YOU! xoxo.
And finally we have the lovely Miss Dina. Dina & I work together. She's a little camera shy. Actually, she vehemently avoids any and all cameras, so this picture is a typical picture of her. Dina is a very thoughtful, very generous person. She loves a practical joke, and many a time she's pulled some very serious wool over the eyes of her co-workers, and in the end, we all laugh along with her. She tirelessly prepares cakes for our birthdays (making the most amazing carrot cake & 7 layer squares, btw), and makes us all feel so special on our special days. I hope you're feeling extra super special on YOUR special day, Dina-beana!!!! Thanks for everything you do!! xoxo.
Happy, Happy Birthday, girlies!!!!!!!!!
Monday, 27 September 2010
some days you're a bug, some days you're a windshield
Allow me to back track.
It was Monday morning. I was once again running late to get to work. For the past while, I've been fortunate enough to time my travels right to the last second, and have been able to log in just on time. This day, I knew I'd be pushing it a teensy-weensy bit, so there was no time to fiddle with the radio dial, sunglasses, or my lint brush. I put the car in gear and applied pressure to the gas. The car lurched a bit. And it had a bit of a strange noise. I was concerned, yes, but, again, was running late. I immediately assumed there was something terribly wrong - possibly a belt, or perhaps even a problem with my transmission. It just felt really bogged down and sloggy. I made it to work, late by 2 minutes, and immediately did the only thing I felt I could do about the situation: I emailed the boy.
So, I suggested to the boy that perhaps he wouldn't mind taking a stop into my work during his lunch hour to take it for a drive. I knew deep down that as soon as he witnessed what I'd witnessed, he'd immediately know what to do, or, at least he'd fill me with the confidence to simply take it to the dealership. He wasn't thrilled at the prospect, and actually ignored my message. I worried that he'd not come by. Thankfully, he's a bit of an amazing sort of guy, and he did come to my rescue, after all. I walked up to him perched on the back of his own vehicle. He was browsing his iPod, and waiting. He was waiting for me, yes, but he was also waiting for my tire to inflate.
Yes, folks, tire. I had a flat tire. It wasn't a belt. It wasn't the transmission. I had a flat tire. Apparently, your car doesn't tend to move forward very smoothly with a square wheel. Luckily, I didn't damage the tire or the rim while I rode from the 'hood to work....
Moral of the story: the little 'once around' that they teach you at drivers ed? Turns out it's actually useful. Make sure your tires aren't low before embarking on a journey.
Oh, and I bought him lunch for his trouble. Love you honey...xoxo.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Farewell to a fine, fine lady
She was a lovely woman, with the biggest of hearts. She was Chris' Grammie. His momma's mom. And, she will be greatly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her, and loving her.
Rest in peace, Marguerite...xoxo.
In the night of death, hope sees a star, and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing. ~Robert Ingersoll
heart to heart
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Birthday wishes
Cheers B and Fredu -Love and miss you much xoxox. Happy Birthday. May the year ahead bring you more happiness and prosperity than you know what to do with!
Sunday, 19 September 2010
To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing*
Such has been my weekend.
The cat hair is tumbleweeding around my living room. Our bedroom looks like someone raided it looking for drug cash. There is evidence everywhere that Chris has been here and gone as he frantically readied himself for his last day of a photography workshop (even the trail of Island red dirt from his sneakers as he backtracked over to me (on the couch) to give me a good-bye kiss. And, we can't get mad at him for leaving a mess, because he did think to backtrack for a kiss, without prompting, right?) The laundry has finished it's cycle, and sits there, waiting for me...yet I can't seem to grab enough energy to get off my still-pajama'd arse to change it.
The saddest part? I'm not feeling overly guilty about it. We're so busy at work these days I think I really and truly need moments of do-nothing downtime to recharge. In between writing and posting this, I did get up and change the laundry to another load. I did fold the one that was waiting in the dryer, and I did start a rather lengthy post in drafts that I'm not sure the world is ready to read. I'm still in my jammies. The cat hair tumbleweeds are still passing by. I've already consumed two hot cups of coffee, and I'm all caught up on FB. Our bedroom is still in chaos. I didn't get into my craft room to straighten it up and start a few gifts like I'd planned. That can wait til tomorrow, right?
I think I'll go see what's on TLC.
*Quote by Eva Young
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
just a litttttttle more....
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
"...my brain is backstabbing me..."
Lane-ism of the night: "To see Britney hurting that bad...was like seeing one of my dog's died".
Chris-ism of the night, bemoaning the loss of the BB boobs: "Eff. Now it's just a sausage-fest"....followed by a heavy sigh.
"MEOW MEOW!!!!!"
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Earl, huh? I never ever liked that name.
I was up early -- before 9am, possibly even before 8:30am. I wasn't quite ready for my morning coffee so when Chris had made his I didn't ask him to put one on for me. It was I dunno ....7 MINUTES from then and we had our first power outage. It came on after 4 minutes,...I quickly got up and raced to get a coffee....put the k-pack in, hit "brew"...and *poof* ...power out again*. I'm unhappy with you Earl. It's slightly windy out there, but you haven't even gotten here yet.
I haven't even showered.
It's going to be a long Saturday.
*Update: after about 20 mins we regained power again -- first coffee has been consumed, and I'm showered up. With the possibility of more power blips I can't possibly do laundry ;).... I do have two books on the go --reading may be my biggest priority today. I hope everyone weathers this storm safely..xo.
Chris Scott, meteorologist
Earl is still a very impressive storm on satellite and radar imagery as we are showing on-air at The Weather Network. This storm will not weaken much as it slams into the Nova Scotia shore this morning.
The centre of Earl will move quickly along the south shore of Nova Scotia this morning bringing very strong southeast winds to areas from Barrington to Halifax. Winds will quickly increase across the rest of Nova Scotia as Earl moves in this morning.
Based on the current track, it is a certainty that the strongest winds from this storm will be felt along the shore of Nova Scotia. Even the east shore and Cape Breton will see very strong winds based on the track that will take the centre of the storm just west of these areas.
You may have been wondering about the discrepancy between the Canadian Hurricane Centre and the U.S. National Hurricane Centre in calling Earl a hurricane vs. a tropical storm. Well, the fact is it is impossible to know without having anemometers in all parts of the storm, and later today, it will get even trickier to decide whether this system is still mainly tropical.
Bottom line – it doesn’t really matter what the storm has been called, or is called now. The winds are going to be strong enough to cause some damage along the shore today, most likely tree damage which will cause power outages.
We are lucky the storm isn’t stronger, but this is still a large and powerful tropical cyclone that is rolling through Atlantic Canada.
Source: http://www.theweathernetwork.com/?ref=topnav_news_logo
Thursday, 2 September 2010
"Are you here to win it? Or are you here to give it away?"
- The Pandora's Box punishments last night were awesome... The dancing was super fun. I almost hopped up and started dancing myself a few times! But, to quote Wham!, Hayden "ain't got no rhythm". Bahahahah! His sock puppet was the best one though.
- What's with the whole utensil thing? Did Britney throw all the forks and spoons out in her cleaning tirade? Last night and tonight she's been drinking out of a bowl...and Ragan was slurping up whatever he had with a ladle...wtf?
- I have to say that Ragan's desperate plea to Lane prior to the voting was extremely convincing...and I'm heartbroken that he's been voted out. His time to speak at the finale will be epic, no doubt.
- Rachel's voice is akin to, no make that worse than, nails on a chalkboard. Listening to her churns up an inner rage inside me that I thought no one could ever fill after Bob Saget.
- The reunion between Brachel was slightly lackluster, eh? Watching him waltz into the jury house in his flip flops, and the realization that the money wasn't coming with him was alllllllllll over her face, her embrace and her pitiful, "Breeeendaaaaaaaaaaaan".
- And yeah, Brendan does look like a penis. Thanks, Matt.
- Um. Did I just hear Lane right? He's bringing brains back?? Ooookay.
- Damn you BB for song-bombing me with a Christmas carol!
- GO BRITNEY! Can't wait for Sunday!
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Stupid IS as stupid DOES
Anyway. I digress. With the heat come fruit flies. I've been fairly diligent with my little fruit fly traps. There are many ways one can rid their home of fruit flies. I find that a small piece of fruit in a covered cup works really well (cover with a piece of saran, and then poke small holes in the saran so that the fruity stink entices the little effers inside. The trick is to make the holes small enough that they can't get themselves out, and they eventually die in the container).
Last night I learned two very important somethings. Something number 1: when constructing your own fruit fly trap, ensure that you use a cup that is DISPOSABLE. And, something number 2: never, ever, ever, EVER place your fruit fly trap inside a microwave oven and turn said oven on.
See...last week's fly trap was made from one of my pretty Winnie-the-Pooh juice glasses...I wanted to salvage the glass....but, when I went to take a look I saw several fruit flies that had yet to reach their demise. Instead of leaving it be for a few more days and letting them die off I felt this need to clean the glass right away. I didn't want to tear off the saran wrap and risk the remaining 6-7 of them flying up into my face. I needed to kill them. I had a moment of "brilliance" just then, thinking, "I bet a few seconds in the microwave would do just fine".
The flies died.
But that dank, rotting sliver of what used to be a banana when heated created a vomit-inducing-I-think-I'd-rather-have-something-defecate-in-my-mouth-than-smell-it-for-a-second-longer stink, that was worse than any other stink that I've ever, ever smelled. I think I truly may know what death smells like...why the CSI guys put smelly stuff under their noses. Oh.my.effing.merciful.Jebus. Never did I think I could ever experience anything that could rival the "incident"...but, I think it might have.
Yeah, so people, allow my blatant stupidity be YOUR guide. The only good thing? My house was just a-shining as I did my best efforts to rid it of the invading stench. I tried to microwave lemon juice. I then added vinegar. I then scoured and scrubbed every surface with pretty-smelling cleaner. I had every single scented candle burning. I'm happy to report that it seems my efforts have paid off. I am, however, a little afraid to open the microwave door.