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Sunday 22 May 2011

The "list"

My head is POUNDING, so I've taken to the horizontal position with my cozy throw, the cat, and the laptop.  I'm coveting silence as Chris practices the electric guitar.  Even the sound of the dryer is pushing me over the edge.  Yeah, after celebrating the fact that I've been healthy all winter while people around me came down with various ailments, I guess I've succumbed to something.  I can feel the fullness in my right ear and it's snaking down my throat and choking me.  It's as pleasant as it sounds. Needless to say, it's been a rather lazy long weekend.  I need a distraction.  You need a post.  Herein, I give you the "list".

What's the "list", you say?  Well it's that small grouping of celebrity people that you would whisk yourself away with for a night of hot, steaminess.  You all have one.  If you say you don't, you're bold-face lying!  When you're done agreeing with my choices, feel free to comment to tell me all about your own.  Here they are (in no particular order):

Jon Bon Jovi
I've always loved Bon Jovi.  I have always been a sucker for piercing blue eyes and a nice smile. Add an amazingly generous spirit and good nature to drop-dead gorgeous looks, and you have my Bon Bon.  I've fallen madly in love with this man over, and over, and over again.

Matthew McConaughey
There's just something sexy about him.  His smile; his dimples; his chest; his accent.  He's just well, awesome.  And, he gets my mojo workin'.

Wentworth Miller
He's a recent discovery, but I'm all-out lusting over this one.  He's the hot Michael Schofield on Prison Break, and he's been the topic of mannny a daydream since the short time between now and us discovering this little gem of a tv-show.  I heart Wentworth. *heart*.  I've gone so far as to Wiki him.  We're quite similar, actually.  Both Geminis, born only 3 days apart, and we both have our Bachelor degree in English.  It's like we're soul-mates or something, hmm?  He's just freaking hot, hot, hot, HOT!  I will be so sad when we finish watching Prison Break. I'm going to have to start watching the seasons over again.  What's that?  You don't watch Prison Break?  FOR SHAME -- get thee to Netflix and tune in....NOW!

John Stamos
When I was a little girl, I watched General Hospital with Mom.  I remember Blackie.  I remember thinking he was cute.  I knew the cute Uncle Jessie was played by the same actor, and I was thrilled when he earned a part on ER several years later.  Who'd have guessed a better haircut would make the guy 10 times cuter?  It could have been the lack of Bob Saget, too.  Regardless, he's a cutie patootie, fo' sho!

Shemar Moore
He was on a soap opera I didn't watch. He's on Criminal Minds now, which I don't watch.  But I still know who he is.  He's one of the hottest individuals I've laid eyes on, and has been on my "list" for a long, long time. Pretty. SO, so pretty.

Jesse Williams
Speaking of pretty, this little hottie has just waltzed his way onto my list after landing a part on Grey's last season.  Those eyes.  That smile.  Have you seen the scenes with no shirt on? Yum.  Dr. Avery makes my Thursday nights a lot better!

Eric Dane
 No "list" is complete without mentioning dear McSteamy.  Quite simply, he's friggin' hot. 

The list is complete.  The house is now quiet.  I think I'm going to hunker down under this blanket and see what movies I can find on Netflix, possibly starring someone from my beloved "list".  Hope you are all enjoying your weekend :)

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