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Wednesday 18 May 2011

in the words of Dr. Phil....



(I started this post on Sunday night. I had to draft it until I had a free moment to finish it). 

Tonight was book club night.  I get together with a great group of ladies and we gather together to eat and watch the movie of the book that was assigned for our group to read.  The first meeting during the movie we shared munchies - some candy and chips/salsa.  What started as munchies has now spread ino a full out 4 course potluck meal (appetizer, main meal and 2 desserts (at least)).  I usually eat light, you know, in preparation of the gluttony that is to follow. Today was no exception.  Regardless, I stuffed enough into my pie hole to feed a small starving country...and I have the belly ache to prove it now.

Will this feeling be sufficient to force me (finally) to get back on that broken wagon and start to look at my health and get some improvements started?  So far, we've gotten together for the past 4 months with 4 different books/movie dates.  So, yeah, perhaps not.  If only I could bottle that feeling - and release it in regular intervals.  I'd probably find some pill for that though, wouldn't I?

I saw this precious Dr. Phil poster in my FB feed, and it seems to fit this post.  I also love how Blogger kept updating the post as I sat here, composing, and the cursor kept popping up right under the picture so I kept constantly seeing the 'flash' of YOU'RE FAT!  Even Blogger is trying to tell me it's time to make a change.


Lana said...

Amber, you are an amazing, incredible person! I know that if you want to do this, that you can. You did it before - with amazing strenght and courage - and humour- and you can do it again. (don't give me any grief about the run-on sentence :P)
And there's nothing wrong with suggesting healthier choices to our potlucks. Hell we can all stand making some lifestyle changes

Amber said...

Awww Lana, you're such a great little cheerleader :). If only it was *just* the potlucks I had to worry about, but it's not. Thanks for your words of encouragement - love you xo