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Wednesday 6 June 2007

Sick kitty :(

So it's Wednesday night. I should be packing, and getting things prepared for our little road trip that's scheduled for tomorrow...but the trip is pending now. Pending an appointment with the vet for Bosco. Today I cleaned up 3 separate pukes. All along I blamed poor little Zoe... You see, before we got Zoe, we never so much as had a cough out of Bosco. Zoe was a little sickly thing...teeny weeny and she had worms so was puking a lot after we first got her. Since we got that under control, there's the occasional 'present' of the puke variety and we always blame her. That's the trouble with having two never know which one is the culprit of which don't know if both of them are eating the proper amounts or drinking the proper amounts because of the communal water dish/food dish (even though there technically is two of each). But today I witnessed Mr. B and his gag reflex. It was just stomach acid...but I still worry...especially with us going away. I called the vet, and explained what happened, and they too, since we plan to go away, suggested we bring him in tomorrow. He seems ok...not lethargic...I mean he's a big sleeper...and I heard him and Zoe playing around a bit this morning...and he drank a little and ate a little... *crossing fingers*. I suppose a cat could potentially get a little virus like a human?? To add to my worry, however, as I pulled the curtain back in the living room to open the window there was a massive old puke....with food particles...not sure who did it and how long it was sitting there. There's just too much talk of pets getting sick/dying from that food recall that it terrifies me. I always ask at the pet store if the variety I buy is ok, and they always assure me that it is....say a few extra prayers for my little kitties....they're my kids...and it would break my heart if something were to happen to them.

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