So a new year, and with it come new resolutions. I've never been one to fully get on board with making "resolutions", but last January I did have a few ideas that I jotted down that I wanted to accomplish in 2o10. Let's revisit them, shall we, and I'll note how successful or unsuccessful of an undertaking they actually were in parentheses:
-to continue my 'healthier eating' approach to life (HUGE FAIL)
-to commit 1 day/week to my momma - be it an outing for the two of us, a visit to watch tv with her, or just a phone call. (SUCCESS)
-to read 1 book per month (Fail, but I finished several books, which was probably more in the year than I had in many years prior (combined).)
-to drink more water (Consistent attempt)
-to try new fruits and vegetables (new WHAT??!)
-to pay my Visa down (Bahahaha! Right. FAIL).
-to own (ie, have the ability to fit my fat calves into) a pair of high boots (SUCCESS (not because I lost weight in my calves, though. Thanks to, I now own a pair of tall boots that I find very comfortable - fat calves and all.)
-to have a more positive attitude re: certain things in my life (Work in progress)
-to laugh more (My mom still thinks I have no sense of humour.)
-to craft more, even if it's just making cards (I never bought one store-bought card in 2010. I didn't craft anything else, though.)
-to de-clutter (The tin collection above my kitchen cupboards finally found it's way to the recycling bins...does that count?)
-to exercise and learn to like it (I played tennis. And liked it. Once. *looks down at protruding fat belly and feels like a failure*)
(I shall continue this list into 2011....and in 2012 we can re-revisit ;))
So I guess my 2010 was a year of some success, but mostly failures when you put it down in point form (see why I don't make resolutions?). Yes, I still need work at learning to budget, which includes finding extra money to pay down credit card debt. And yes, I fell off the healthy eating wagon...hard. So I have a few challenges for myself in the year ahead to get back
I don't think you realize you kept the most important resolution you made on Jan 1st, 2010.........spending treasured time and making lasting memories with your Mom.
Great job....2010 was a success.
Happy 2011.
Love you.
I agree with the comment above. The resolution you did the best with is the most important. If you lost your Mom in 2010 you wouldn't have cared that you ate more fruits and vegetables.
I myself loath resolutions. So I keep the same one every year, and I happily fail at it every year. So for 2011, the same as 2010, I resolve to give birth to triplet boys. Not something I have any interest in doing so I am rather relieved when I fail miserably at it.
wow you look like your mom ... she looks young enough to be your older sister
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