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Thursday 24 May 2007

I'm a dotcom!

Cheerio peeps; sorry I've been slack. I've been busy. Mandatory OT at work this week, and out visiting my bro/sis-law the past few nights, so not a lot of time to post. Tonight I've opted to stay in, try to get some laundry done (I should name this the laundry blog as it seems all I talk about is doing laundry :P), and pack for Mill River!!! Ang, Brandi, Maria and I are going to the Mill River Resort to partake in the Scrap Shack's Weekend Getaway, scrap-style! I'm sooo pumped! The official weekend starts Saturday morning, but we're going out Friday night to crop. Hopefully I'll get a lot done! Mummy gave me money for my birthday to support this event, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to THANK YOU MUMMY. I love you very much!

Chris informed me that he has pointed this blog to He had bought this domain for me our first year together as a Christmas present. We had plans to set up a website, and well, I'm a wee bit on the green side technically (still-haven't-figured-out-how-to-post-pics- on-my-blog :( kinda green), so he asked if I wanted this blog to point toward that site, since I've actually been posting regularly, so I said sure. Kinda neat; easier to let people know where to go to read this mundane drivel :). Enjoy...comment...make it known that someone actually reads this thing!

In other news, I was picked out of 400 others for a quote contest on Lisa Bearnson's blog! ( There was a total of 25 winners, and we're all receiving the Quickutz cookbook (, plus another 'little goodie' from Lisa. The cookbook will be autographed by Lisa herself, and Natasha Hixon, founder of Quickutz. I'm so excited! The quote I used was found on a friend's website. I'd heard of part of it before - think maybe she added to it. I read it, loved it, and put it to memory, and thought I'd take a chance at the contest: "In life, take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back". Apt words to live by :) The cookbooks go toward such a wonderful cause too, so I'll be proud to own one!

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