Saturday brought about a lazy start with a good amount of sleeping in, pancake breakfast and a visit to Sobeys and Walmart to get a few 'just in cases' for the pending hurricane. Thereafter, Chris and I joined some friends for supper at Hunters, followed by their trivia. We cleaned up - only getting 1 answer wrong, and won a $40 bar tab to share. Yay team! With a team name like, "Stop the bus and let my friend jack off" we couldn't help but be winners anyway! It was my turn to be designated driver, so Christopher took advantage, consuming a large quantity of ale. Here's a shot of him at his peak 'happiness':
Sunday the Island was bracing for Hurricane Bill. Chris and I were scheduled to volunteer for the 6th Annual Corey Stevenson Memorial Golf Tournament at 7:45 am Sunday morning. As it turns out, the storm was all talk, no action, however, the tourney did end up getting cancelled anyway. It's probably for the best - better to be safe than sorry. I gotta say I wasn't relishing the idea of sitting out on a golf green in torrential rainfall and high winds. Due to our day opening up Chris and I decided to head out to 'storm chase'. The waves weren't nearly as spectacular as other places, but it was very windy. Here are a few pictures from Cavendish beach -- the one stop we made where it wasn't pouring rain:
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