So when did it get to August, anyhow? Jeepers. I'm overdue for an official 'update' on my whereabouts and whyabouts. Let's see if I can touch base on a few points and keep ya'll in the know...
It's been a hot summer...high humidex and temperatures making a
girl-who-possibly-could-very-likely-be-hitting-the-"change"-earlier-than-she'd-like-to-but-mother-insists-it-can-happen-in-your-30's understandably cranky. If you're familiar with a b!tchy Amber, it's even more significant when she's a hot, b!tchy Amber. Feelings of melty and wondering what we've done to deserve such conditions abounded...coupled with a new bounce in my step as I made my way to the a/c in the car, followed by the a/c in the office. Apparently Chris was also having such moments, and possibly was a little spoiled with a week and a bit of travel in an air conditioned hotel room, so he broke down and bought us our very own a/c. My discovery of said purchase coming off the heels of a monkey day all but enhanced the excitement of it, and Mr. Chris shone a little brighter in my heart & mind. Now, the high temperatures don't seem to affect me, as I leave my air conditioned house to go to my air conditioned vehicle, to then go to my air conditioned office. Sum, sum, summatime ;)
Well Julie & Teddy's trip home from up North came and went waaaaay too fast. In fact, my first time seeing Teddy was last night when I went to the farm to say a final good-bye to my dear friend :(. They're so busy and have so many people demanding their attention and do so many family related things now that they have a family of their own, I was lucky enough to get as much time with Julie as I did, I guess. It still wasn't enough for my liking... and as I drove down her dark lane last night leaving I was brought back to that tear-filled night years ago when she announced that she and Teddy were going to be making the big move from here to the Yukon. Now that they need to purchase 4 tickets home as opposed to 2, instead of yearly trips back it will only be every second summer, too. If'n anyone out there collects and has oodles of AirMiles with nothing to spend them on, I know someone who would gladly take them off your hands. You'd make that person really really happy too just to even have the opportunity to visit her dear friend in the Yukon.
One of the nights out with Julie was to join her, Erin and Julie R to go to the movies to see "
The Ugly Truth". I laughed til I cried, and then I laughed a little bit more. If you're not afraid of a little raunch, have an open mind and have experienced the trials and tribulations of finding a new love, I don't recommend it for newly dating couples, however. That might just be too much for a budding romance to handle :). In addition to that show, Chris and I went to the drive-in last Saturday night. "
Funny People" and "
Public Enemies" were playing. It was so hot in the car, and the bugs were toooo bad to even
consider opening a window. I hate, hate,
hated "Funny People". Chris thought it was ok, but had I been watching it in the comfort of my own home I totally would have left the room shortly after the start of it. Needless to say a hot, cranky b!tchy Amber ensued...and as Chris wasn't overly interested in seeing "Public Enemies" anyway, we ended up leaving after the first show. The night wasn't a complete bust, however, as we took a walk on the beach under the moonlight. It was a momentary walk, nevertheless, due to the hoards of mosquitoes and black flies in our midst. It's hard to be romantic when you're slapping bugs off your calves.
Tonight I'm taking Lana out to see the play the
Nine Lives of L.M. Montgomery. I landed a few tickets at work, so we're going to go out to supper and make a real date of it. The posters show a cute kitty cat so that was what interested me in putting my name forward for the draw. I'm sure it's got nothing to do with the story and is just a play on words for the title. Hopefully I can sit through it ;).
I'm finally starting to enjoy this season of Big Brother. My favourites have changed...and now I'm rooting for Jeff or Jordan only. Chima needs to LEAVE!
I have been eating like a pig lately.
I forgot my watch today.
That should take you up to current. Happy Hump!