A full weekend, to say the least! Friday night after work, Melissa and I headed straight to the Gahan to enjoy a few bevvies prior to meeting up with the rest of the dinner group for Kaye's retirement supper. From there, we headed to Kaye's son's house for the surprise retirement party. Kaye was surprised, and everyone had a blast. I'll miss you dearly, Kaye, but know you're going to be so happy embarking on this new journey of yours :). Congratulations!!
Saturday morning I awoke a little fuzzy and slightly dehydrated. Chris & I got up and got ready to leave the house anyway, on account of it being a beeeauuuutiful day! We had a greasy bacon 'n eggs brunch at Linda's - just what hungover me needed. From there, we had a walk about Charlottetown, complete with a chocolate milkshake from
Cows, and a stop into
Happy Glass, where Chris treated me to a pretty glass necklace.
From there, we headed back toward home - I picked up my car from work and Chris (GOD BLESS him) shampooed the carpet from my stinky trunk to try to get the stench out. After that, since it was too hot to sit in the house we went to the beach to get our feet wet and play in the sand. We drove around til it was dark, and then picked up a few items to have a late bbq'd supper and chilled at home in front of the tv. A relaxing, fun, day!!
Sunday was a bit of the same - with our usual blueberry pancake breakfast start, followed by a trip to Walmart, quick clean of the house and Big Brother. Now that it's all over it just seemed to pass me by so quickly. How I wish I was embarking on another weekend tomorrow instead of a work week... I hope you all had an enjoyable, relaxing weekend too!
Here are a few pics:
To start, here are some from our walk around Charlottetown. On Sydney St. there's a bench underneath a graffiti'd heart, so we stopped for a photo op. Chris didn't even make a funny face, which was really surprising :)

To our left was Off Broadway...

And across the street, The Gahan House, home of the best nachos in PEI:

There's a bronze statue/bench of Sir John A MacDonald. This is the scene of many a derogatory photograph, (I've seen a few on Facebook). Chris 'played around' for the camera - and this was the one that was post-worthy - the one
after he planted a big wet one on him. What a boy.

On Victoria Row, we saw a sign for "Happy Glass"; it looked so colorful and fun, we thought we should go check it out. It
was so colorful and fun! BJ, the owner, herself, shone as happy as the interior of the store. Go check it out!

The water spout down Victoria Row. It was a hot day - and I said outloud to Chris,
"I could just run through that right about now..."
Not sure if he thought it was a dare, or if he just thought it was a good idea - but he did. And too fast for me to even grab a photo of it. Here's an after shot of him....he's SOAKED...and to see him from behind -- you'd swear that he peed his pants. Again...what a boy...

The monument at Province House...

Some purty blooms...

July 10, in history - outside the Green Man:

And onward to the beach ...

Chris stops to say hello to a hermit crab...

...and I indulge a self-portrait-on-the-beach photo op:

...footprints in the sand...

We're a bit squinty, but another self-pic, posed for my peeps who read the blog:

And the start of a beautiful sunset:

Just a few of the reasons why I love PEI :)