I'm having a wish-I-could-wear-a-muumuu day today. The pants feel ok if I'm standing up - notsomuch when I'm sitting. As I sit on my rump all day, the waist band continues to cut into my midsection. I'm sure I have permanent markings. Do you think palazzo pants will ever make a comeback? And while I'm at it, I may as well complain about the shirt too --I'm sure it fit nicely last year. Today, I'm feeling the draft behind me as I constantly try tugging it back down around me. I would have to surmise that my ever-growing bosom is the culprit. *sigh* I've resorted to donning my sweater to hide the unsightly backfat.
So hi! It's been a while since a 'real post', I don't know when I became so popular - but I've been busy! Here's a breakdown:
- last weekend I attended a 3-day crop; had a grand time, and managed to complete another scraplifted Lisa Bearnson's 'favorite' album. This time I did the "Celebrating You" album. It turned out well, if I don't say so myself. Pics to follow.
- Chris & I had a lovely time getting to know our neighbors Sunday night - it's a shame it took so long to do this - guess we just came/went and did our thing without being 'neighborly'. Shout out to Wanda & Steve :)
- Tuesday night I joined Angela and Brandi for supper at Little Christos. It was wonderful to see Brandi again - she's been very busy with her new boy. I'm so happy for her :)
- Last night I joined Melissa, Stacey, Tracey & their friend Angela for a movie night.
We saw "Made of Honor". It was really cute - predictable for the most part, but it had some giggle spots. A total 'no-need-to-think-about-anything-chick-flick'. The actress who plays the grandmother was the kicker - Selma Stern is her name, and I'd recently caught an episode of NipTuck where she played Magda, the slightly more mature wife role (75 years?) - in at the doctor's office to have some work done to her much younger husband (35??) -and ended up killing him with kindness as he recuperated in hospital, post op...his heart stopping while she was, ...er...on top. The scene in the movie with the glow in the dark thunder beads made me laugh til I cried. It almost made me forget the two pre-pubescent ass pains that I sat beside. If they weren't texting they were eating and slurping their drink. It's hard to put in words the sounds that came from them...close your eyes and picture a monkey chewing on something crunchy - follow that by the sound made by getting the last bit of soda from a glass with a straw. The crunching & smacking stopping only long enough for the next slurp.
That brings us up to current. I'll be staying in for the entire evening tonight, enjoying the best TV night of the week.
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