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Wednesday 9 April 2008

I'm still here!

Yes, I'm still alive. Sorry I've been neglectful. I just came off a 5 day weekend. It was glorious. I kept busy - suffice it to say that I didn't dedicate any time to blogging. Sorry if'n you were missing me :). So, you ask, what kept me busy the past few days? Let's see if I can recount...

*I did a fair bit of relaxing with the kitties and watching TV as you might assume if you've read any of this blog before (Diary of a Fat Chick).
*My relationship with the boy did a complete 360 - going from not so nice to really good...and I'm hopeful that this was the needed kick in the proverbial pants to keep us on track - for good. How easy it is to take a person for granted after you've been with that person for so long...hope you know how much I do love you - and appreciate you - and thank God every day that you're here... I'm so glad you 'fixed my heart'...literally and figuratively.
*I did laundry - a lot of laundry. Am I done... no. But I got a lot done.
*I actually got around to straightening up the bedroom closet. This was a huge task. The ominous pile of clothes beside my bed are now gone *happy dance*. If I could only bring myself to accept the fact that half of the clothes in there will never make it back on my buttocks, I'd have so much more room in there.
*I cleaned my scrap room. Huge task #2. It was the big 'ta da' of my weekend.
*I cleaned the house (with the exclusion of the dusting. I always seem to peter out before the dusting starts).
*I picked up my final cheque from BR - including one with vacation pay $7.08 :) Laughable.

So AI was rather lackluster last night, wasn't it? I felt the whole evening was pretty much 'meh'. Nothing blew me away ... DavidC actually disappointed me ... but I do have to admit that I loved Jason's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"...loved that rendition of the song since I first heard it on a commercial, and it has been one of my favourite songs of all time, ever since. I think Jason more than did it justice. And you all know how hard I've been on him, too. As for BB I just hope and pray they will finally see behind Natalie's duh-exterior and boot her sorry behind OFF the show. I'll be sad when James departs tonight.

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