So this weekend was hot. I was wishing I was at work all weekend, honestly, to at least be in the air conditioning. Anyway. We tried to make the best of it, just the same. Friday night we opted for air-conditioned supper, again, this time, choosing Boston Pizza. I got paid, so felt 'rich' for an hour, and spent all my riches on dinner :S. From there, we went home, picked up a blanket, and headed down to the beach. We missed the cool sunset, unfortunately, but the moon was really bright so tried to get a few pictures of that. We waded a bit through the water, till it got too dark to see what was in the water, and as we headed back up to the sand Chris saw something moving out of the corner of his eye... it was a baby toad. He must have fallen off a dune or something because he was headed toward the water. After a bit of a fight, Chris managed to 'rescue' the toad, and brought him back to the grass. Yay Christopher, you're a hero!
Saturday I was able to sleep in a bit (sooo much trouble sleeping these days with the hot nights), and then got up and got ready to head to Summerside. I had thought of packing a picnic...but that was only a thought...before realizing the physical exertion & extra sweat it would entail, and we left without food, getting an iced cap on the way out. We got to the Summerside wharf to see the tall ships - there were only 3 there....the Bluenose I guess left that morning... pooooo... that's why I wanted to see them - to see the Bluenose, as it reminds me of Dad. Oh well. We toured one of the ships, that was pretty neat, and got a few pictures. We couldn't agree on a place to eat (let's just say the heat makes Amber cranky), so just came home and I collapsed for a nap on the bed, then attempted to get ready for Julie's stagette, opting for McDs on route to the stagette (yeah I know, there's a reason I look like I do....).
The stagette was a good time - pretty laid back, really. We had a few drinks and just sat around and chatted. For the most part,
Sunday, I went to Wal-mart to pick up a few things - $160 and then headed back home to clean house. I know, I was too hot. Was I crazy? Clean? After nearly dying, my floors were scrubbed, the dishes were done, several loads of laundry were done, and the bathroom was clean. I had to - I didn't want to, for God's sake, but I had to. Everything was sticky from the humidity. Anyway.
So now we're at Monday - and a long day - normal shift with an extra 1.5 hrs of required overtime on top. Least it's air-conditioned!
Oh, and a note about my pics...might take a little longer than usual to post pics on computer is having 'issues'...hard-drive is toast :(. LUCKILY Chris was able to retrieve my pictures, but I think everything else is gone. Again, I'll blame the heat. Computers don't like it hot, either. (*update: pics added!)
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