Point 1: I don't like spoilers. I purposely don't read spoilers, and when faced with a situation where someone in my midst is about to mention something that will spoil something for me, be it they've read a spoiler, or I'm late in watching something I've recorded, I quickly plug my ears and hum, "The Song that Never Ends" rather loudly to drown them out. I don't appreciate your spoiling my Bachelorette fun. Boooooo to you!
Point 2: When spoiling other people's fun, please note the following tip -- perhaps add a few lines of space after your "***** Spoiler" note so that people don't actually READ your spoil in their peripheral! See below:
***** Spoiler alert *****
blah, blah, blah, blah, spoiler-blah
P.S. To any of my faithful readers who are also Bachelorette enthusiasts, don't read the comments on the post below.
“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
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Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Monday, 28 June 2010
Justin - Liar*

Justin, Justin, Justin... Well, you know, it did work for Wes last time 'round. As much as the ladies (and the rest of America) hated him, he did achieve what he set out for, and that was recognition. If contempt and hatred are the type of recognition you're looking for....
Justin didn't gain any brownie points as he slithered out of there like an eel. He probably wouldn't have made it to the final 3 anyway, and I gotta say, I loved that she called him out in front of all the rest of the guys! (It was slightly reminiscent of a time I did the same thing with a guy who was two-timing me with another girl. I can't even remember how I encountered this other girl, but one night, she invited me over to her apartment and we shot the shit (and got along rather swimmingly, I might add), and then invited him over. I was a 'surprise' for him. He reacted in the very same fashion, actually).
Honestly, after the initial drama at the beginning of the show, the rest of it just sorta fizzled. Craig the soft-body won the wrestling event (was that to commemorate Justin's time on the show, btw?)...big deal. Ty got stuff rubbed over his body...big deal. Frank bought a rug...big deal. But, we did get to see Roberto's hip flexors, so it wasn't all dull :). Still ... did I really miss out on an early bedtime for that??
*Thanks to Kirk for the help with the blog title. It should be put on a t-shirt ;)
ya don't say??
I knew it wouldn't last!
It actually lasted longer than I thought it would. And, I gotta hand it to him -- super classy doing it over the telephone.
It actually lasted longer than I thought it would. And, I gotta hand it to him -- super classy doing it over the telephone.
A weekend in review
I don't know about the rest of you, but the weekend went by in a flash for me. I suppose having to work Saturday seemed to shorten it up a bit. Friday night we joined the Moshers for an impromptu feed of nachos and other deliciously sinful things. I'm hopeful that the many laughs helped to burn off a few of the calories ;). Thanks Moshers :) :).
Saturday night the intent was a quick stop at the grocery store for a few meal ideas for the coming week. Normally we're Sobeys shoppers (what can I say? I have a hope of finally getting a trip out of the AirMiles - regardless if it takes me 20 years to accumulate enough points to head to Nova Scotia, damnit!), but this time we headed to Superstore on account of BOGO chicken. Turns out the chicken that was on sale was sold out (of course), so we didn't get what we'd intended out of the trip. Combine the fact that we're novice Superstore shoppers - not knowing where anything was - it was a long, long trip to the store. I'm hopeful that what calories not burned by Friday night's laughter were later burned by the multiple trips around the damn store. From there, it was too late to do anything - we stopped for a movie (The Box) -- I didn't last long though, quickly falling to such a sound sleep I was made leave the couch and go to bed for the snoring! Chris said the movie sucked, and told me the ending of it, so I guess I won't bother to try to watch it again.

Sunday, Chris & I headed over to Fort Amherst and each participated in a kite-flying event that was held there. I guess it's an annual thing, and there appeared to be a pretty good turnout. There wasn't a lot of breeze, so keeping our Smurf & Spiderman kites up was sometimes a challenge, but we managed to outlast a lot of them. I eventually ran out of string and got bored coming on the end of it. Our friends Thomas and Bobbie-Jo joined in the fun as well. Unfortunately, Thomas' homemade kite, the "Super Ghoost" (the misspelling allowed it to take on it's very own meaning), didn't fly. After having our fill of flying we then headed back into Charlottetown to check out "Diverse City", a multicultural street festival, with ethnic foods, crafts and entertainment. The place was packed, which was a great sight. We tried a variety of different things, then finally topping them all off with a walk to the boardwalk and an ice cream, landing home sun-kissed and sleepy from the day.
It was a fun, fun weekend! I hope you all had a great one, as well. And now, we're back to Monday....fittingly, it's pouring rain. ;)
Saturday night the intent was a quick stop at the grocery store for a few meal ideas for the coming week. Normally we're Sobeys shoppers (what can I say? I have a hope of finally getting a trip out of the AirMiles - regardless if it takes me 20 years to accumulate enough points to head to Nova Scotia, damnit!), but this time we headed to Superstore on account of BOGO chicken. Turns out the chicken that was on sale was sold out (of course), so we didn't get what we'd intended out of the trip. Combine the fact that we're novice Superstore shoppers - not knowing where anything was - it was a long, long trip to the store. I'm hopeful that what calories not burned by Friday night's laughter were later burned by the multiple trips around the damn store. From there, it was too late to do anything - we stopped for a movie (The Box) -- I didn't last long though, quickly falling to such a sound sleep I was made leave the couch and go to bed for the snoring! Chris said the movie sucked, and told me the ending of it, so I guess I won't bother to try to watch it again.
Sunday, Chris & I headed over to Fort Amherst and each participated in a kite-flying event that was held there. I guess it's an annual thing, and there appeared to be a pretty good turnout. There wasn't a lot of breeze, so keeping our Smurf & Spiderman kites up was sometimes a challenge, but we managed to outlast a lot of them. I eventually ran out of string and got bored coming on the end of it. Our friends Thomas and Bobbie-Jo joined in the fun as well. Unfortunately, Thomas' homemade kite, the "Super Ghoost" (the misspelling allowed it to take on it's very own meaning), didn't fly. After having our fill of flying we then headed back into Charlottetown to check out "Diverse City", a multicultural street festival, with ethnic foods, crafts and entertainment. The place was packed, which was a great sight. We tried a variety of different things, then finally topping them all off with a walk to the boardwalk and an ice cream, landing home sun-kissed and sleepy from the day.
It was a fun, fun weekend! I hope you all had a great one, as well. And now, we're back to Monday....fittingly, it's pouring rain. ;)
You make me swoooooon

Though nothing as notable as Dukes, John Schneider still has been seen in small roles on various TV shows and made for tv movies. And even though I'm no longer attracted to 'pretty blonde' guys, I have to admit - he's still pretty darned handsome.
Tell me, who rocked your socks, back in the day? Whose face was found plastered all over your walls?
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Why did the man lose his job in a fruit packing firm? *
What's not to love?
Moments ago...sprawled out on the love seat whilst watching Judge Judy:
Me: "Stop farting!"
Chris: "Right; that's like telling the sun to stop shining".
He's all mine, folks...allllll miiiine.
Me: "Stop farting!"
Chris: "Right; that's like telling the sun to stop shining".
He's all mine, folks...allllll miiiine.
Here I go again....
So I've been contemplating getting a perm. Do you think that might help disguise the nasty, dull, flat, frizzy MESS that is humidity hair*?
So yeah, my "favourite" part of summer. The humidity. The blinding headaches and dizziness. The painful joints. The disgusting sticky layer on EVERYTHING! And, it's only the beginning. I'm desperately trying to work through without complaining, and I've topped up my supply of extra strength Ibuprofen...along with allergy pills. The way I figure it, there MUST be something in the air that causes my dizzying, blasting headaches that appear at the same time, like clock-work, every year. Just hope it's ok to mix the two ;). The "cocktail" seemed to work yesterday so perhaps I've finally found some relief? Gotta hand it to the blog - at least it helped me document those symptoms to 'prove' that it potentially is a seasonal/potential allergy to something, as I've read back 3 years and have the same litany of complaints each year at this time.
Hmmmm....full moon, you say? 'Never would have guessed it', she sneers, oozing in sarcasm.
*Oh, and if anyone out there has any sure-all product that you can recommend to combat humidity hair --- PLEEEEEEEEEASSSE share!! :)
'Oh there she goes, back to work from vacation and now the inane complaints begin'.
Hi! Did you miss me? Heh.
So yeah, my "favourite" part of summer. The humidity. The blinding headaches and dizziness. The painful joints. The disgusting sticky layer on EVERYTHING! And, it's only the beginning. I'm desperately trying to work through without complaining, and I've topped up my supply of extra strength Ibuprofen...along with allergy pills. The way I figure it, there MUST be something in the air that causes my dizzying, blasting headaches that appear at the same time, like clock-work, every year. Just hope it's ok to mix the two ;). The "cocktail" seemed to work yesterday so perhaps I've finally found some relief? Gotta hand it to the blog - at least it helped me document those symptoms to 'prove' that it potentially is a seasonal/potential allergy to something, as I've read back 3 years and have the same litany of complaints each year at this time.
Hmmmm....full moon, you say? 'Never would have guessed it', she sneers, oozing in sarcasm.
*Oh, and if anyone out there has any sure-all product that you can recommend to combat humidity hair --- PLEEEEEEEEEASSSE share!! :)
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Finding Nemo or some such thing?
I always thought the concept of the "message in a bottle" thing was so very romantical. This story takes that idea, or happenstance, to an entirely different level.
So, so cool ;). I especially like the part about the sea turtle taking his own video of his journey through the ocean.
So, so cool ;). I especially like the part about the sea turtle taking his own video of his journey through the ocean.
All good things must come to a close...

So no big road trips or big spending sprees, but I guess my wallet is better for it. I'm currently soaking up a few rays on the deck as I type...it's glorious indeed :). Back to the grind tomorrow. I had a nail appointment this morning - the first day in ten days since I had to wake up to the alarm going off. Too bad - I think I could've gotten used to that....
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, 21 June 2010
Well that was anti-climactic...
Tonight's observances:
-I'm glad the rest of the guys remarked that they couldn't make Kasey out when he recited his "poem"...because I sure as hell couldn't (by the way, I think a poem writing competition is a stoooooooopid way to decide on who gets a date. Does she not know who she'd like to spend extra time with? I know I would. Regardless, I think Frank did swimmingly).
-OMG, "root beer eyes"? Seriously? Gag!
-Nothing says 'true love' like matching lopi sweaters. And Kirk, THAT was your 'secret' you were afraid to reveal to Ali? A severe reaction to MOLD? Are you for real??
-I totally want to visit Iceland. Beautiful scenery!
-I hate Ali's laugh.
-I hate Kasey. Period. I really hope there are men with a white jacket waiting for him because I fear he'll be on suicide watch.
-Who the eff was Chris N. anyway??
-Ooooh, the upcoming episodes and unraveling drama look interesting, don't they??!
And a fitting end - the ending of Kasey's fairytale:
And Princess Ali and Freak-Charming Kasey will not live happily ever after. And he will not be the next Bachelor. He will raise a couple of chihuahuas, and wish on falling stars and falling eyelashes. He will later go on to spend his life savings in a cheap tattoo parlor having his mother's face strategically placed over the heart and shield on his wrist. After all, he's got a face (and voice, and disposition, and...) that only a mother could love.
-I'm glad the rest of the guys remarked that they couldn't make Kasey out when he recited his "poem"...because I sure as hell couldn't (by the way, I think a poem writing competition is a stoooooooopid way to decide on who gets a date. Does she not know who she'd like to spend extra time with? I know I would. Regardless, I think Frank did swimmingly).
-OMG, "root beer eyes"? Seriously? Gag!
-Nothing says 'true love' like matching lopi sweaters. And Kirk, THAT was your 'secret' you were afraid to reveal to Ali? A severe reaction to MOLD? Are you for real??
-I totally want to visit Iceland. Beautiful scenery!
-I hate Ali's laugh.
-I hate Kasey. Period. I really hope there are men with a white jacket waiting for him because I fear he'll be on suicide watch.
-Who the eff was Chris N. anyway??
-Ooooh, the upcoming episodes and unraveling drama look interesting, don't they??!
And a fitting end - the ending of Kasey's fairytale:
And Princess Ali and Freak-Charming Kasey will not live happily ever after. And he will not be the next Bachelor. He will raise a couple of chihuahuas, and wish on falling stars and falling eyelashes. He will later go on to spend his life savings in a cheap tattoo parlor having his mother's face strategically placed over the heart and shield on his wrist. After all, he's got a face (and voice, and disposition, and...) that only a mother could love.
Summer Solstice
It's been a lazy staycation. I don't feel the least bit guilty about any of it, either :). Traditionally I take a week in June, a week in October and one in December. Every year in the past 6 years, my June week has rained - every.single.day. I'm glad the rainy routine didn't follow me this year. There was warm sunshine, a few rainy moments, and one REALLY breezy day. I attended a beautiful wedding, witnessed some great live music, & took a few photos. For the most part, it's been excellent :).
Welcome, Summer 2010. Already, I've witnessed:

Welcome, Summer 2010. Already, I've witnessed:
- Cows ice cream (two feeds of it *ahem*)
- Sleeping with just a sheet covering
- PEI new potatoes
- strawberry shortcake
- mosquito bites
- cold beers on a warm deck
- beautiful sunsets
- live music
- painted toes
- freckles
- ocean breezes
- thunderstorms
a few jigs and reels
The Festival of Small Halls is a week-long Island music event, showcasing the province's many talented performers, with a focus on bringing traditional music and dance into tiny communities all over PEI. Our dear friend Irish Mythen was invited to perform at the festival, so Chris & I were more than wiling to check it out. Her performance was part of the "Go See the Ladies" event at the Victoria Playhouse in beautiful Victoria-by-the-Sea this past Friday night. She joined local performers Catherine MacLellan, Ellen MacPhee, and Pastelle LeBlanc. Both Ellen & Pastelle had Pascal Miousse join them on guitar. Pastelle & Pascal are members of the Acadian group, Vishten.
After the show in Victoria, we then headed onward to North Granville, where we took in the "Late Late Show" at the Lupin Valley Barn. As the festival contains many different shows on the same night, the Late Late Show was an opportunity for all the performers of the night to gather together at the same venue to keep the party going. That was like a traditional kitchen party - what a great time! Here are some photos* from the night:

Hats off to the organizers of this event for its success, and to the many, many entertainers who gave their time and talent!
*All photos with the exception of the first one courtesy of Chris Wilkinson (let's face it - he's the photographer, and well, his photos turned out much, much better!)
After the show in Victoria, we then headed onward to North Granville, where we took in the "Late Late Show" at the Lupin Valley Barn. As the festival contains many different shows on the same night, the Late Late Show was an opportunity for all the performers of the night to gather together at the same venue to keep the party going. That was like a traditional kitchen party - what a great time! Here are some photos* from the night:
Ellen MacPhee and the Scottish smallpipes, with Pascal Miousse on guitar:

Onward to the "Late Late Show" - this is the outside of the Lodge (or barn):

*All photos with the exception of the first one courtesy of Chris Wilkinson (let's face it - he's the photographer, and well, his photos turned out much, much better!)
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Father's Song
You'd love me unconditionally.
No matter what I'd put you through,
You were always there for me.
Did I ever disappoint you?
Did I ever let you down?
Was I all that you had hoped for?
Please say you'll always be around...
You're my strength,
You're my hope,
You're my father.
We didn't always see eye to eye.
Sure, I thought I knew everything,
But I was just a child.
And you sometimes stood in my way,
When I wanted to be free...
But I know now,
You were just doing the best you could for me.
So I thank you for your patience,
I thank you for your love.
I thank on my knees,
Yeah, I thank the Lord above.
I thank Him for you, my father.
You're my father....
The above lyrics are a portion of Irish Mythen's touching tribute to her own dad, in "Father's Song". I highly encourage you to click on this link from Reverbnation, and listen to the song in it's entirety (while you're at it, listen to the rest, damnit!). The song is beautiful, passionate, and heartfelt. I post this in tribute to all fathers - near and far, close at hand or close in memory on this Father's Day. If you're lucky enough to still have your father close by, give him an extra squeeze and thank him for all that he's done for you. I'm blowing kisses upward to Heaven today. He knows I think of him every day...and I miss him more every day. I love you, Dad...xoxo.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
So playing with the layout a bit - whatcha think? I've had a few beers so things may not be as pretty as I think they are ;). Chris (also into the beers) said that the hummingbird is a pretty cool bird to have showcased. I don't even like birds - but I like pink.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
This would have to be one of the the cutest things I've seen in the past while:
See more funny videos and Cute Animals Videos at Today's Big Thing.
Before I die, I totally want to hold and feed a baby big kitty. It's definitely on my bucket list.
Before I die, I totally want to hold and feed a baby big kitty. It's definitely on my bucket list.
I'm such a klutz...

I have a special kind of stupid impediment when it comes to the word, 'klutz'. I have to consciously say the word over and over in my head, and REALLY think about it before I say it to avoid a social faux-pas. Why? Because I've learned this from experience. And, the word that unintentionally comes out of my lips when I MEAN to say, 'klutz'? 'Slut'. Yep. They sound so much alike, don't they?
And for you, and to help demonstrate, a story:
It was Chris and my first Christmas together. We'd met in October -- so our relationship was flying along it's barely there 'honeymoon stage', and I might have met his folks ONCE prior to Christmas. It was a big deal that year - his mother even moved their Christmas supper up to lunchtime so we could all be there around the table together at such a special occasion. Her boy had a girl to bring to dinner, after all. The table had been nicely set, complete with crystal wine glasses, fancy dinnerware, and a lacy white tablecloth. The wine of choice was red. Keep in mind our relationship is brand-spankin' new, and I don't have the heart to tell his mother that I don't really like red, so I drink it anyway.
The scene that is about to unfold plays in slow-motion in my mind. I don't quite know what happened, and it's been years, so the details are fuzzy. Perhaps I'd attempted to place the pretty crystal wine glass down on a not-so-even area of the lace tablecloth. Perhaps my not-so-delicate mitt was just too big to manoeuver itself around the plate when I went to shovel another mouthful of mashed potatoes in. Perhaps it was a poltergeist. Whatever it was, down went the wine glass...and down went the red wine, spilling all over the fancy white lace tablecloth.
A gasp left my lips, as my hands went to cover my mouth in horror, crying out, "Oh my god, I'm such a SLUT!"
Thankfully Chris' momma has a good sense of humor, and she followed that with a surprised, "Are you now!?"
I don't know yet if I actually explained to her my simple English word impediment, or, if she'd even believe me, but there you have it. My face was as red as the wine, and I quickly gulped back whatever hadn't been spewed out all over her pretty white lace tablecloth as I willed the floor to open up wide and swallow me whole.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Pulling out the weeds...
Of COURSE I'd have a few more opinions to post after viewing the latest installment of the Bachelorette:
-I'm not as heavily 'into' it as I've been in previous seasons, but perhaps as the boys get weeded out from the men, I'll change my mind. As far as any favourites go, I guess Roberto sticks out because he's hot. And, contrary to the house, I don't hate Justin either. He's got that bad boy handsome thing going on, doesn't he? And he has a nice chest. And, he's Canadian, so I have to like him.
-As for dislikes, Jonathan - although bearing a resemblance to Tom Cruise, he really was an ultimate dweeb. His serenade on Monday, in a desperate attempt for attention, was simply just redonkulous (though, not as bad as Kasey's, and although I don't like him, I think she should have kept him over Kasey). I predict gray skies and turbulent storms in his near future. Poor little dweeb.
-Kasey is a complete cheesy ass! That freaking tattoo -- speaks and smells of Fatal Attraction. I'm totally surprised he didn't have her name written into the heart. You're not getting the girl, bud, and you're NOT going to be the next Bachelor, either. The fact that you're still there hurts MY heart!
-Oh, and by the way, I want Chris L to be her husband. He's sweet; he's real, and he adores his family -- and that sweet story about his mom and looking for me in rainbows? .....had me in TEARS!What did y'all think?
-I'm not as heavily 'into' it as I've been in previous seasons, but perhaps as the boys get weeded out from the men, I'll change my mind. As far as any favourites go, I guess Roberto sticks out because he's hot. And, contrary to the house, I don't hate Justin either. He's got that bad boy handsome thing going on, doesn't he? And he has a nice chest. And, he's Canadian, so I have to like him.
-As for dislikes, Jonathan - although bearing a resemblance to Tom Cruise, he really was an ultimate dweeb. His serenade on Monday, in a desperate attempt for attention, was simply just redonkulous (though, not as bad as Kasey's, and although I don't like him, I think she should have kept him over Kasey). I predict gray skies and turbulent storms in his near future. Poor little dweeb.
-Kasey is a complete cheesy ass! That freaking tattoo -- speaks and smells of Fatal Attraction. I'm totally surprised he didn't have her name written into the heart. You're not getting the girl, bud, and you're NOT going to be the next Bachelor, either. The fact that you're still there hurts MY heart!
-Oh, and by the way, I want Chris L to be her husband. He's sweet; he's real, and he adores his family -- and that sweet story about his mom and looking for me in rainbows? .....had me in TEARS!What did y'all think?

It's what day?
Wow - how'd it get to be Wednesday already?? Hi - yeah, I've been away for a bit. Sorry my lovelies, it really wasn't intentional. Life just sorta got in the way I guess :). I'm in the midst of a few much deserved staycation days from work. There's been some napping. There's been some online tv-watching (ok, a lot). And, evidently there hasn't been much blogging! Whoopsie.
Lemme see if I can catch ya'll up. After my birthday eating fest things quieted up a bit. This past weekend, we were guests at a fantastic wedding between Aaron and Rosemond MacDougall.
Congratulations to you both! If the rest of your lives together are half as wonderful as your wedding day, you have all the luck on your side! The wedding itself took place in a quaint little church in Cherry Valley, followed by h'ors d'oeuvres & cocktails, and then the.most.delectable meal from start to finish at Shaw's Hotel in Brackley. The dance, complete with a candy bar & 'costumed photo booth' ended a perfectly lovely evening. Aaron is a friend of Chris' - a photographer from Nova Scotia who recently moved to PEI. We were very honored to have been part of such a special event. Congratulations, again A & R, and thank you for allowing us to witness your special day!
Sunday, Chris & I headed to Chelton for a BBQ and visit with Matt & Nicole. Once again, thank you so much for cooking for us :). We had a grand time!
The past couple of days I've laid really low -thanks to excruciating pains of the lady variety I've been simply knocking back extra strength ibuprofen & snuggling a hot water bottle. Today I'm feeling more 'normal' again so got a bit of the house cleaned (stress 'bit'), and sat outside to soak in some of the lovely sun out there. Hopefully the rest of the staycation entails more sunshine!
A few points before I go:
- to G & Smurf -- have a fan-freaking-tastic time in Newfoundland!! I hope you see all you want to see and more! Your cats will be well taken care of when you're gone, I promise :).
-to T-- I am so delighted your mom is finished of her treatments :). Sending the both of you the biggest squeeze I can muster xo.
-to Julie -- Happy Housewarming!!!!! Congratulations to you and Brian on your new beautiful home! I hope Moving Day went well and I cannot wait to get a chance to see your new digs!
-to Erin -- I hope you had a fabulous time with your momma and I hope the Eagles serenaded you good ;). Oh, and Erin - so proud of you for embarking on your challenge. You will do fantastic, I just know it!
-to Lana -- sorry to hear about the job op; believe me, it's their loss. Something bigger, and MUCH better is just around the corner, I promise!
I hope you all are doing well! Happy Hump!
Lemme see if I can catch ya'll up. After my birthday eating fest things quieted up a bit. This past weekend, we were guests at a fantastic wedding between Aaron and Rosemond MacDougall.

Sunday, Chris & I headed to Chelton for a BBQ and visit with Matt & Nicole. Once again, thank you so much for cooking for us :). We had a grand time!
The past couple of days I've laid really low -thanks to excruciating pains of the lady variety I've been simply knocking back extra strength ibuprofen & snuggling a hot water bottle. Today I'm feeling more 'normal' again so got a bit of the house cleaned (stress 'bit'), and sat outside to soak in some of the lovely sun out there. Hopefully the rest of the staycation entails more sunshine!
A few points before I go:
- to G & Smurf -- have a fan-freaking-tastic time in Newfoundland!! I hope you see all you want to see and more! Your cats will be well taken care of when you're gone, I promise :).
-to T-- I am so delighted your mom is finished of her treatments :). Sending the both of you the biggest squeeze I can muster xo.
-to Julie -- Happy Housewarming!!!!! Congratulations to you and Brian on your new beautiful home! I hope Moving Day went well and I cannot wait to get a chance to see your new digs!
-to Erin -- I hope you had a fabulous time with your momma and I hope the Eagles serenaded you good ;). Oh, and Erin - so proud of you for embarking on your challenge. You will do fantastic, I just know it!
-to Lana -- sorry to hear about the job op; believe me, it's their loss. Something bigger, and MUCH better is just around the corner, I promise!
I hope you all are doing well! Happy Hump!
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Who moved my Monday?
Monday, 7 June 2010
I can only think to title this one "Delicious"

The festivities started early, beginning with a night out for supper at Pat & Willys on Wednesday night with Tanya, Erin, Rosanne & Julie. We shared many giggles, and our conversation spanned allllll over the place! You know you're in the company of best friends when you can discuss certain topics without so much as a blink of the eye. Thanks girlies! Thanks also for your thoughtful generosity as well with the awesome prezzies :) xoxo.
Thursday I arrived at work to find a surprise container of double-chocolate chip cookies, courtesy of Superdave, one of my partners in crime. I've only hounded him for 6 mos to make me cookies... ;). Thanks Dave -- they were to die for! Thursday night, Momma took Chris & I out for supper to celebrate my BD. We opted for Chinese, and originally had intended on going to the location close to Mom's as we always love the food there. Chris really wanted a buffet (hey he wanted to ensure Momma got her money's worth, what can I say?), so we instead ended up at the International. It was the first time I'd been there in a realllllly long time, and it will be the last. The food was gross. Thanks anyway, Momma!! Next time, we shall not listen to dear Christopher! :)
Friday, the lovely Dina made me a deeeeeeeeliciously delightful homemade carrot cake and took it with her to work. Thankfully I work amongst a group of people who are more than willing to help rid the place of special treats. In addition to the cake, I was met with a few very thoughtful and generous gifts from Dina, Jeannette & Melissa...thanks to you so much, my dear friends! xo. Friday night, Chris & I and the Moshers went to eat at Boston Pizza. The food was completely second to the laughs. Oh how we enjoy time spent with the Moshers! Thanks Smurf & G! ;)
Saturday, since we forgot to replenish our stock of syrup for a pancake breakfast in bed, Chris ended up taking me out to breakfast. We went to Cora's, and it was DELISH. From there, we went for a short walk and waltzed in and out of a few shops at the Mall before the rain started, so we then headed home. Chris then revealed his gift to me, including two new Bon Jovi DVD's. The remainder of the afternoon was spent drooling and singing along to my Bon Bon as the rain spilled outside. Saturday evening Lana & I did our traditional birthday shawarma celebration at Cedars - it was predictably delicious. A quick stop for an over-priced-fattening-beyond-fattening hot beverage from Starbucks ended dinner, then we moved onward to Lana's to complete dessert with a little Patrick Swayze and Dirty Dancing! The boys joined us later on in the evening, and they jammed while we sang until we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer.
Sunday Chris made me a homemade breakfast that easily eclipsed what I'd had the day before at Cora's -- thanks hunny :), it was fabulous! We then went for a drive, went to one Open House and then headed onward to Chris' parents', where his mom made me a DELICIOUS lasagna supper, complete with a slice of pecan caramel cheesecake for dessert.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you to ALL for making this an unforgettable birthday. I'll be wearing my eating pants for a few days......I think I gained about 10 lbs from the weekend alone. Perhaps it wasn't really a coincidence that Chris' mom's bathroom scale was missing yesterday?
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Forever Pacman

I figured productivity around the world would be a little slanted ;). And, it was only for two days, not the entire weekend...and they figure the number would be significantly higher had the game just started when you went to the page instead of "inserting coin".
120 million in "lost" productivity. Wow. But, you all played it at home, right? I did -- I swear! Mount Laundry can attest to that!
For those procrastinators, you can actually still play online: http://www.google.com/pacman/
But don't tell them where you found it ;)
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Everyday lessons
I was going to grab a cheeseburger for lunch today.
Instead, I opted for a 'healthy' choice, and ended up stopping by the local grocery store to pick up a container of mixed fruit & veggies. I like to leave work for my hour to split up the day, so oftentimes I will take my lunch down to a nearby park and eat in the car (or on the picnic table when it's fit).
Today was no different.
I made my way to the parking spot in the grocery store parking lot and promptly slid (well scraped) past the cart corral, leaving a decent-sized mark on my bumper.
In every experience, we learn something. Today I learned to ALWAYS go with the cheeseburger. Or, was it the fact I should have gotten up off my lazy arse and walked to the grocery store to purchase the healthy choice?
Nah, it was rainy today. I totally should have gone with the cheeseburger.
Instead, I opted for a 'healthy' choice, and ended up stopping by the local grocery store to pick up a container of mixed fruit & veggies. I like to leave work for my hour to split up the day, so oftentimes I will take my lunch down to a nearby park and eat in the car (or on the picnic table when it's fit).
Today was no different.
I made my way to the parking spot in the grocery store parking lot and promptly slid (well scraped) past the cart corral, leaving a decent-sized mark on my bumper.
In every experience, we learn something. Today I learned to ALWAYS go with the cheeseburger. Or, was it the fact I should have gotten up off my lazy arse and walked to the grocery store to purchase the healthy choice?
Nah, it was rainy today. I totally should have gone with the cheeseburger.
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