“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
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Wednesday, 30 September 2009
You make me bleed.
Just one day. One day where a person could express him/herself without the need of societal censorship.
Wouldn't that be nice? Theraputic, even?
In a perfect world.............Realistically, of course, that will never become a reality, so I find an ample supply of chocolate and mugfuls of wine work wonders :)
What works for you?
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
This would have to be by far the most annoyingly offensive excuse of a marketing plot in a very, very long time. I wouldn't be surprised if seeing it actually induced an epileptic seizure. Why I felt the need to share this on my blog? I dunno. I'm just thoughtful like that.
a slightly self-pitying post

I'm still feeling slightly on the poor side today, but trying to suck it up as best I can. I cannot possibly be getting sick. This weekend is too busy...birthday celebrations and then a trip to Saint John to see Matt! I big shout out and thank you goes out to ColleenB, who has graciously offered up her spare room for us to cop a squat in on Sunday night so we don't have to be on full moose alert driving home after midnight. We've been looking forward to this for weeks and weeks...so yeah, I just can't be getting sick.
...though I'd almost give my left appendages for a bowl of warm soup, my mommy tending to my every whim, and the comfort of my couch right about now.
EFF word!
Monday, 28 September 2009
A vs B - Biscuit Holes at Hardee's
Because sometimes I'm a 12 year old boy and find this type of humor amusing. Ellen showcased it on her show today, so I'm in good company, IMO. Enjoy :)
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Ahhh... Lazy Sunday

I'm a little fuzzy today, so am preparing for a lazy Sunday which will more than likely include the couch, warm blanket, TV, finishing the yummy purchased snacks, and lots of water for rehydration :). Happy Sunday to you all!
Saturday, 26 September 2009
It's my perogative

A final comment, as he closed the door, "What an autobiography you'd have".
My fitting retort, "You don't have to read it!" And, with that, I happily grabbed a thicker, warmer blanket, resumed my horizontal position on the couch with laptop, and the two kitties are warmly nestled at my side. I couldn't be more content.
I signed up for a "Mutts" comic of the day, and each day they greet me in my inbox. The comic I have posted just happens to be the one that I received for today. Eerie how much it parallels my day, isn't it?
Friday, 25 September 2009
Relaxation is key

After a quick supper I was off to Starbucks with the girlies to sip on a whip creamed hot beverage and catch up on each others' lives. It was delightful, long overdue, and something we must get into a routine to do very regularly (well, the "meeting up", that is, on the 'routine' thing. Not so sure I need to routinely sip on a grande cafe mocha with whip cream and a side of banana bread on a routine basis! ;)).
When I returned home from meeting the girls, guilt got to me and I hopped on the
Tomorrow is the Beer & Wine Festival for Fall Flavors...totally getting psyched up for that. I can't promise that I won't be taking home a bottle of something. My biggest concern tomorrow is deciding on whether to sample the beers or the wines...my body doesn't deal with the mixing of the two very well. Update tomorrow, no doubt.
Night peeps :)
P.S. Greys was slightly draining last night, and I was fairly mentally unstable through the first half. I'm overly disappointed with George's departure, but they handled it well. Not sure what I feel about Seattle Grace 'merging' with Mercy... We'll see how that unfolds. I can only hope that McSteamy continues to be a pivotal role. Mmmm....McSteamy...although he is an ass, his question about whether or not George was "hung" made me laugh OUT LOUD. I *heart* Greys.
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Bring it!
I'm a little disappointed in the "info" for tonight's episode provided by the guide on the dish - but it didn't let me know anything I didn't already know from taking a peek at the abc website last week. I'll not say anymore for fear of disappointing any of my avid readers/fellow Grey's addicts... suffice it to say - do not hit the "info" tab on your remote and avoid any website promoting the premiere. We can chat more about it after the show airs :).
Also premiering this evening is CSI - and I notice they have a return of Jorja Fox/Sara. I can only hope that also means a return of Grissom...and the small hope of that is what will entice my watching tonight. How disappointed I've become in that show since the departure of such key pivotal roles. I will have to record CSI though, because I have to watch Survivor. I'm in a Survivor 'pool' at work, so I have to cheer on my team member...Natalie (whom I don't expect to last long, unfortunately, what, with her belonging to the "dumb ass girl alliance" and all).
A busy night of tv is on my horizon, indeed! Please hold all calls, as I shall not be responding :).
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Birthday girls!

Firstly, Happy Birthday to you, dear Rhonda! Rhonda is a dedicated mother, loving wife, and fantastic friend. She has a love and zest for life that is contagious and I don't get to see enough of her. We must remedy that, Ms. Rhonda! And soon! I'm raising a glass of vino to you, wishing you a wonderful year ahead, filled with more love, happiness and joy than you know what to do with! xo

Secondly, a big Happy Birthday to the lovely Trudy! Trudy is my cousin, and a proud Munroe she is! There's no mistaking her lineage based not only on her looks, but also her ability to recount story after story of 'fast times' in Whitehead! Her dry wit is noteworthy. Her sarcasm endears her to me, and I count her, too, in my list of favourite people. I don't get to see her nearly as much as I wish I could. She's funny, beautiful, intelligent, and kind. She's grown into a fabulous young lady...but to me she's still the little girl asking me to hand her the "peppy eh yalt" when playing house in the shed 'down home'. I'm raising a tumbler of crown & ginger to you, my dear! Likewise, may your year ahead be chalk-full of happy times, love, cheer, and gladness. Love ya! xo
Happy Birthday, girlies!! :)
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Happy Birthday Fred & Belinda!
Monday, 21 September 2009
it's here already...

This weekend also marks a bit of sadness as well. Dale Hunter, Belinda's stepdad, lost his battle with cancer. He'd gone through a long, tough road, and finally can rest, but he's left a large void in his family. I know the pain and sadness that they are all feeling, and my heart goes out to them, and I wish we lived closer so that I could give them all a big hug right now.
I'd only met Dale once - when we were in Ontario for Fred & Belinda's wedding. He was a very kind and generous man. I had a tough time watching him and not welling up at the wedding -- as he reminded me of my own father, and I mourned a time that I'd never get myself...that being the father walking the daughter down the aisle to 'give her away', and the father/daughter dance.
Life is so very precious. You really don't know how quickly it can change so be sure to tell those close to you how much they mean to you - every day.
Rest in peace, Dale.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
I get by with a little help from my friends....
Oh, and there was beer.
And wine.
Chris with his token 'red beer'. One of several. Cody was our DD but did order a Stella, which eventually Chris and I helped him finish:
Thursday, 17 September 2009
This was the temperature this morning at about 5:30am. I didn't take the photos, Chris did. He had a scheduled Chris-Cody day today so must have been a little excited and couldn't sleep. I was still in the confines of my warm bed, wearing long-sleeved and long-panted winter pjs.
A frosty windshield. A frosty lawn, and a frosty outside temperature. Bah!
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Oh weekend, how I miss thee...
Sunday morning/early afternoon we met up with Cody & Jool for breakfast (third chosen locale finally offering us breakfast!). Cody & Jool are visiting from Calgary, and we've been lucky enough to get together a few nights last week. Sunday they were heading to Halifax for a few days, so we met for breakie prior to their departure. Hopefully we'll have another chance to hang out with them before they head back. We miss them so :(.
After breakfast, seeing that it was a rainy, dark day, Chris & I opted to go to the video store to rent a few DVDs. We rented "State of Play", and "One Week". Both were really good movies, but if I was to pick my favourite out of both it would be One Week, hands down. I'd meant to catch that in the theatres actually, but missed out. It's a touching story, and Canada plays a major role in the movie, with a superb Canadian soundtrack and breath-taking Canadian landscapes as Joshua Jackson's character travels from Toronto to Vancouver in a journey of reflection and self-awareness. If you've not yet seen this movie, you must (my movie picking abilities have also been redeemed).
Back to the grind with another week ahead of me...sad isn't it, how we bide our time til the next weekend? The next two weeks are big weeks for tv watching though, with new seasons beginning and new shows, too. The inner tv junkie in me is utterly thrilled. How 'bout the rest of ya'll? How did you spend last weekend?
Monday, 14 September 2009
Goodbye to you, Patrick....
Today Patrick Swayze succumbed to pancreatic cancer at the young age of 57. A bright light has dimmed, and hearts are breaking all over the world. He was a true talent, and will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, Patrick.... :(
Forever in a Moment*
Here are some pictures of the day...
Friday, 11 September 2009
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Ellen on Idol

(CNN) -- Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres will join the judges' panel on "American Idol" for the show's ninth season beginning in 2010, a Fox spokeswoman confirmed Wednesday.
Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres brings years of experience in front of a live audience to her role.
"I'm thrilled to be the new judge on American Idol," DeGeneres said Wednesday. "I've watched since the beginning, and I've always been a huge fan. So getting this job is a dream come true, and think of all the money I'll save from not having to text in my vote."
The popular comedian and entertainer will fill a seat left vacant by Paula Abdul, who announced she was leaving the show in August after eight seasons.
DeGeneres will sit alongside Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson and Kara DioGuardi after auditions are completed for the popular talent show, which starts in January. Until then, guest judges including Mary J. Blige, Kristin Chenoweth, Joe Jonas and Neil Patrick Harris will fill the empty slot, Fox said.
"We are thrilled to have Ellen DeGeneres join the "American Idol" judges' table this season. She is truly one of America's funniest people and a fantastic performer who understands what it's like to stand up in front of audiences and entertain them every day," said Mike Darnell, president of Alternative Entertainment for Fox.
"We feel that her vast entertainment experience, combined with her quick wit and passion for music, will add a fresh new energy to the show."
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
On compromises and blood loss...

Chris, equally as defensive, came back with a, "I'm not your cook".
You see, Christopher and I have a compromise relationship. He cooks, and I clean. It works nicely since I'm not a fantastic cook, and he doesn't seem to, well..., clean up after himself overly well. On the occasion I will cook, but for the most part, this compromise seems to work well for us, and Christopher is getting to be quite the little cuisinart.
So, I trod into the kitchen to empty the dishwasher in preparation for cleaning up the sink and countertops to make way for a start on supper. As I was emptying the utensils into their appropriate slots I just happened to put my hand down on a rather serated knife. I didn't quite realize the severity of it all until I glanced down after noticing that my fingers kinda hurt...and saw the dripping blood. I called out to Chris that I'd cut myself; that I'd cut myself really bad. That there was a lot of blood (neither of us are good with the sight of blood. At all).
Chris mentally prepared himself for the worst (later telling me he half expected to be on a search for a missing fingertip). He walked into the kitchen with coaching words, "It's going to be ok; it's going to be ok" --to himself, not to me, the injured party.
Turns out the tip of my finger is ok - it was really just a slice down on two of my fingerpads - one worse than the other. The way Chris came to action to help was very touching, indeed. I'm glad he was there to unwrap the bandaids when I was lightheaded. Thanks hunny! xox
I'm getting used to feeling my pulse in my fingertip.
And I got treated to a delicious Pizza Delight supper.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
To teach a brilliant mind...

Thanks to Salty, I have had Michael Bolton streaming in my head relentlessly all day long. I could also start into a litany of complaints as to how poopy I'm starting to feel, but I won't. In honour of it being the 'first day of school', I will instead recount the teachers that have influenced me through the years:
Kindergarten - Mrs. MacRae - she was a plump, red-cheeked lady with short dark hair. She reminded me a lot of my mom, and I think that fact helped secure a love of school as that 'comfort of home' sort of followed me to school. She also helped me shed my uncertainties and fear in walking to school on my own with the deal (bribe?) she posed whereby I got a special present if I let go of Dad's hand and walked to school by myself every day for a week. I won the challenge...my prize? A deck of "Old Maid" cards. I played that game til those cards were nearly faded.
Grade 1 - Mrs. Runion - I remember the name because she introduced her name with, "it rhymes with onion". Sadly I don't recall much about the woman...but I do remember a day in her classroom where I sneezed into my hands and it was messy. Very messy. And I was too shy to ask for a tissue so just rubbed 'em on my pants. Classy, I know. To this day I plug my nose when I sneeze unless there's a tissue in my hand.
Grade 2 - Mrs. Lamb - she had short, curly hair (like a 'fro) and wore quilted vests (as were likely the 'rage' in the late 70's I'm sure). No exciting events from this year that I can recall, either. I remember studying the wall above the chalkboard to learn my letters though and always had issues with "Q".
Grade 3 - Mrs. Darnley - she was a straight-laced conservative woman who spoke with a British accent, and had her grey hair styled in a Dorothy Hamil mushroom cut. I remember her being very strict, but nothing glaring about our time together. I do remember one of the kids puking on his desk in her classroom. Amazing what the memory retains, eh?
Grade 4 - Mr. Ferdinand - he taught my older brother and that gave us a bit of a 'bond' that the other pupils didn't have with him. Our classroom was in a portable outside the school, and it was a split class with Grade 5 and Grade 6. He was always smartly dressed in a suit & tie, and was very soft-spoken. I took a real shine to him, and even sent him a letter after we'd moved to PEI, to which he responded to in his best teacher penmanship & proper letter format. I still have the letter.
Grade 5 - Mrs. Smith - One of her most common phrases was, "alrighty, alrighty". She influenced my love of Judy Blume and reading in general with our required RSSR (? required silent scheduled reading?) intervals. Some days we read our own books; some days she read to us. Years later when I was working at Harveys she remembered me, claiming, "I'd never forget those eyes".
Grade 6 - Mr. Whelan - I remember Mr. Whelan to be very dynamic and very involved with his teaching. It wasn't a surprise to later find his name on cast lists for various plays I've attended. He falls into my 'top 3' favourite teachers of all. He was very encouraging.
Grade 7 - Mr. May - He looked a little like a chipmunk and sometimes would spit when he talked. I adored him, though, and I think he was a very positive role model for me, especially when it came to English. He always praised my handwriting too.
Grade 8 - Ms. Sutherland - she had a deep voice and the stature of a football player. She drove a convertible. She would always catch Lori & I chatting in class and we got in trouble a lot for it.
Grade 9 - Mrs. Smith - She was always the teacher people feared the most in junior high. Behind her back, students nicknamed her "killer Carma". She was strict, yes, but an excellent teacher. I actually felt guilty when receiving my geography mark that year (or, as she pronounced it, "geographreeee"). She pushed her pupils to their fullest potential and as such, also falls into my top 3 teachers of all time.
Grade 10 - Mr. MacInnis - if you're an avid tv fan and pay attention to commercial ads and recall an ad where a monotone voice states the obvious, "Slight shedding problem?", after seeing a fluffy kitty sneeze and blow all her fur all over the staircase, then you have a picture of what Mr. MacInnis sounded like. He was my homeroom teacher as well as my science teacher. I didn't excel in the science department, put it that way. He didn't spawn any excitement for learning it, either *yawn*.
Grade 11 - Mrs. McQuaid - she was the French teacher and her personality took a complete 360 between grades 10 and 11 (or 11 and 12?) when she hit the 'change'. She was short, had dark hair and glasses...and now in retrospect, reminds me a lot of Judy Judy. She was always nice to me and I thought her fair.
Grade 12 - Mrs. Cannon - I adored her. She was the chemistry/geometry teacher and was one of the kindest and gentlest people you'd ever meet. She reminded me of a typical 'grandmotherly' figure. Her credited quote was "no worky, no marky". She loved Dilly Bars from DQ.
A big "thank you" to one and all, and those in between... be kind to your teachers, for it is they who shape who you are meant to be :).
Monday, 7 September 2009
And then there was Salty...
Just when I thought they couldn't surpass their wit they surprised me yet again...now this one is my new favourite.
Dear Knorr people - you make me laugh
I enjoy Knorr's marketing department - this has been one of my favourite commercials for a long time...
Happy Labour Day*

*Post edited to add the Canadian 'u'...thanks Carmen ;)
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Happy Birthday Kimberley!
Friday, 4 September 2009

I feel like I'm in a nuthouse...over-stimulation....chatter, chatter, giggles, door squeak, photocopier whirring, door squeak, cackle cackle, snort, chatter, chatter...
It's like it keeps getting louder.
On a positive note - it's payday! ... Too bad I have $62 left to live on for the next two weeks once the bills are paid.
Le sigh. Sometimes I do sorely miss the 'sandbox days' of childhood.