Just moments ago I traded up the washer stuff and the dryer stuff...folding away...hearing a noticeable 'thump' in the dryer. I looked around, frantically, making sure to eye both cats (it is customary that I never turn the dryer on until both are in sight, and I knew that this time was no different, however the 'thump' had me second guessing myself, especially since moments before I had shoo'd Bosco out of the dryer). As both cats were right beside me, they too looking very curious as to the nature of the 'thump', I figured it must have just been the wet clothes all lumped up to one side in the dryer, so I opened it up, and fluffed them around a bit.
That didn't help.
I knew that Chris' zip-off pants were in there - they have several zipper pulls and buttons, and normally make quite a racket, but it just seemed - louder. I decided to take out the pants, and then turn the dryer on to see if that made the difference. It did. Great - mystery solved!
Yet, still, the simple nature of how loud the 'thump' was still ate at me...
So I then started to go thru the pants pockets (again)...I always check the 'normal' pocket areas - remembering Chris to be known to 'forget' to empty his pockets before he piles the dirties on the floor by the bed. Again, all the upper pockets turned out empty.
But - to my horror -- there was something small, and hard, (hard enough to make a 'thump' inside the dryer, I supposed) in the velcro pocket - the small velcro pocket below the 'regular located' pockets. The small pocket no one uses. They're just for decoration, aren't they?
I washed Chris' iPod.
Ooooh he's not going to be happy with me.
I just finished googling said scenario, and the results seem rather hopeful. I hope that we are as lucky.... And I do hope that he recalls how he felt as he came to me to tell me that he accidentally cut our couch on Christmas Eve morning a few years ago.