Well, I just completed a huge waste of my time and a 2 hr interval of my life I'll never get back.
Bear in mind that this all began last December when I first reported my wrist pain to the doctor I was seeing, and he did his own little 'test' and bent my thumb down to my wrist (which hurt like hell) and said there was "extensive damage"... immediately referring me to a specialist. And so it goes:
...first being referred to the wrong surgeon... finally to the right surgeon who then referred me to a neurologist for nerve tests before recommending surgery...to a wait to see the neurologist...to a real appointment with the neurologist...to a cancellation of this real appointment....finally today, I had my official 'nerve tests', after my regular doctor pulled the string along and they "squeezed me in". They shot me up with electricity through both of my arms, wrists and hands to test whatever they need to test ...and the doctor looked at me with the same sympathetic face as one would give a "special" person, claiming the tests were 'basically normal'. So I questioned him on the constant pain I feel in my right hand/wrist, and the numbness that is now the norm in my last 3 fingers on that hand, and he basically told me that I was in control and that I have to make the necessary life adjustments to work through it. Can someone set me up with an appointment for Dr. McDreamy, please?
After the nerve tests I then had to continue to wait to have blood drawn for some blood tests my doctor ordered regarding the constant heartburn thing I've been experiencing, and then I paid my $3 for 'visiting' the hospital and rushed to work. The whole thing upsets me...I hate going to the hospital in the first place...since everything about it reminds me of Dad...the sights, the sounds, the smell....even the Commissionaire's badge when I was paying my parking dues....especially after he greeted me with, "hello young lady", so kind, just like my Dad would have said if he was in the Commissionaire's booth.
So I sit here, in my lonely little place, not wanting to be where I am at all...preferring to be ANYWHERE else, sad, frustrated, still in pain with my wrist, feeling helpless because now there doesn't appear to be a 'fix' out there for me. My arms feel heavy and sore and it's an effort to pull them up to type (I assume from the electrodes) ...and it's Halloween, and my co-workers are bringing in their cute little costumed-kids inside to trick or treat, and I just want the floor to swallow me up.
“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
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Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Is it Friday yet??

Last night Chris & I took in the "Haunted Theatre Tour" at the Jubilee in Summerside. It was more 'kid friendly' than scary, but very well done. Kudos to the crew there. I think they could easily step it up a few notches next year and have an 'adult' version at a later hour, which could have some real spook potential. Alas, I guess that's the only 'haunt' we'll manage to visit this year, which is very disappointing, but what can you do? Maybe next year I'll have to volunteer at one of the 'haunted places'. I am a good screamer. I think that'd be a hoot.
Busy week ... tonight I'm picking Mummy up after work and we're going to do a bit of shopping and then out for supper, and hopefully make it back home in time to help with the pumpkin carving. Wednesday of course is Halloween, I have to work Thursday night, and Friday night there's a crafty night planned with scrapping and eating (two of my most favourite of things), followed by a 'night cap' at another friend's. Saturday I have to work at BR, and I think I'm free Sunday. Again, since when did I get so popular?
Monday, 29 October 2007
Oh it's a day of monkey.
My head is pounding, everything is irritating me from the clothes on my back to the background noise around me, to the fly on the window buzzing around. I feel like I'm inside of a kaleidiscope... I'm am SO sick of hearing who has what team in what sport pool, or who is trading for who....or what star player is this and that. Enough! Mr. Horton's sugar hand was too heavy - my hands are freezing cold - my shirt is too small so it's riding up my back and I have a cold draft going up there (not to mention the unsightly backfat that must be escaping) - every person I speak to doesn't understand, or some can't even hear me, so I'm either on repeat, saying the same thing over and over, or yelling. Arrgh. Is it too late to pull the covers up over my head and go back to sleep??
I think I would deeply benefit from some retail therapy at lunch time.
My head is pounding, everything is irritating me from the clothes on my back to the background noise around me, to the fly on the window buzzing around. I feel like I'm inside of a kaleidiscope... I'm am SO sick of hearing who has what team in what sport pool, or who is trading for who....or what star player is this and that. Enough! Mr. Horton's sugar hand was too heavy - my hands are freezing cold - my shirt is too small so it's riding up my back and I have a cold draft going up there (not to mention the unsightly backfat that must be escaping) - every person I speak to doesn't understand, or some can't even hear me, so I'm either on repeat, saying the same thing over and over, or yelling. Arrgh. Is it too late to pull the covers up over my head and go back to sleep??
I think I would deeply benefit from some retail therapy at lunch time.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Never too old for Halloween
Well, I certainly feel my age - head's wee bit heavy from the 'witches brew' from last night's Halloween party; it was a concoction of lime jello, 7up, pineapple juice and rum. It was very good...and I'm pretty sure Lana and I were the only ones coming back for more - and we finished the punch bowl. The party was a lot of fun, and everyone who attended was dressed up, which was even better....we had everything from the Cat in the Hat to the Paper Bag Princess. There were witches, biker dudes, a ladybug, Zorro, a church lady (who really was a man), a clown, a few 'dead people', and of course, a doctor and "Candy Lane", Miss Arkansaws (spelling wrong to emphasize how she said it) :

Friday, 26 October 2007
(Update: photo added from the crop; it was a good time....though I really wasn't overly productive, and just made a few cards, but the company was lovely, thanks girlies :))
Shout out for Friday
The scrap class was again cancelled last night...no sign ups. There were a few girls at work who were thinking of attending, and a few others had voiced how much they liked the page, but due to other obligations couldn't make it.... I'm holding on to Thursday being a bad night. I dunno. It's getting hard not to take it personally 2 classes in a row! Anyway, suffice it to say I was at home watching the Thursday TV line up last night, regardless. I could have joined Angela's new class she was hosting at Michaels, but by the time I made the decision to cancel my class it would have been too rushed, and I wasn't sure if there was even room in her class.
I totally slept through the end of ER and missed all of Greys last night...boooo...so they're now waiting in the VCR for me (gosh I hope my old VCR stays alive a little longer til I can find a replacement...it's starting to squeak and the tape is stuck inside so I'm afraid it's going to snap since I only have the choice to re-tape over and over on the same one...!) For some odd reason, CSI was a repeat last night, so instead of cleaning the house or something crazy like that, I just flicked through the channels (I swear I'm part male with the way I flick the TV channels). We have the IFC channel free til the end of the month, so I saw the decription The Real Blair Witch and tuned into that. While it wasn't anything about the Blair Witch movie as the title lead me to believe, it was an interesting story, indeed!!! If you get an opportunity to see it, you should.
So at lunch I went to the Dollarama and picked up a few items to use tomorrow night for Chris' costume, and then to Michaels to pick up an organizer for my scrap 'tools'. I figured since I have to get in that craft room and clean it so I can organize for the crop tomorrow, it might be a little extra incentive to do a good job by buying a new organizer :) Besides that, I had a 40% coupon, so it was practically free. (Girl math rocks)
I totally slept through the end of ER and missed all of Greys last night...boooo...so they're now waiting in the VCR for me (gosh I hope my old VCR stays alive a little longer til I can find a replacement...it's starting to squeak and the tape is stuck inside so I'm afraid it's going to snap since I only have the choice to re-tape over and over on the same one...!) For some odd reason, CSI was a repeat last night, so instead of cleaning the house or something crazy like that, I just flicked through the channels (I swear I'm part male with the way I flick the TV channels). We have the IFC channel free til the end of the month, so I saw the decription The Real Blair Witch and tuned into that. While it wasn't anything about the Blair Witch movie as the title lead me to believe, it was an interesting story, indeed!!! If you get an opportunity to see it, you should.
So at lunch I went to the Dollarama and picked up a few items to use tomorrow night for Chris' costume, and then to Michaels to pick up an organizer for my scrap 'tools'. I figured since I have to get in that craft room and clean it so I can organize for the crop tomorrow, it might be a little extra incentive to do a good job by buying a new organizer :) Besides that, I had a 40% coupon, so it was practically free. (Girl math rocks)
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Honorable mention
Shout out to Heidi, a fellow blogger, scrapper, coworker and friend. Her latest entry was actually a dedication to me (*blush*). She, *ahem* doesn't appear to update *ahem* as often as I, and I razz her about it continually. In fairness, however, I do normally wait until she meets the 1 month mark between posts. One would think with a fantastic camera, new lappie, and a serious amount of creative energy, she would post a little more often though. Love you, dolly *muah*. (For the record, I had the template first! :P)
Cat Scratch Fever!
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Spinning in circles...
Busy times, busy times...here's the quick & dirty point-form again:
-Tuesday night after work, Chris & I went out to supper with Mummy & Todd (pictured). We dined on BP and it was deee-lish. They just got back from Ontario, visiting Fred/Belinda & Cathy & families. Mom had her 70th birthday while in Ontario, so it was also an opportunity to give her gift to her.
-Last night Chris & I went to Value Village & Froggies to search for Halloween costumes. We had a plan to go as Scully & Mulder from the X-files, but couldn't really find the proper outerwear to pull it off. Instead, we're going to mix it up a tad. I'll post pictures, I promise, and if it's anything like I picture in my head, it will be well worth the wait. We're attending a Halloween party on Saturday night so there'll be pictures by next week.
-This week marks a major milestone for me: I officially filled out a form for automatic payroll RRSP contributions. My first RRSP experience. Step 1 in becoming an adult.
-My 'first' scrap class is slated for Thursday - I had been scheduled for my 'first' already, but no one signed up. I really feel Thursday night is the wrong night for a class. It's TV night, and it's not just me who is a TV freak out there.
-2 months away- Christmas day. Holy crap. Where'd the year go?
-Saturday day I'll be joining the Paper Attic crew's crop, and slipped in at the last minute due to a cancellation. Should be a great time!
-Halloween hauntings...traditionally this is a very busy time for Chris & I...I hope to report some successful spooks when I post next week.

Tuesday, 23 October 2007
The Cat Came Back!
Such a heartfelt post...I'm so overjoyed for this little boy, and I can't believe that his beloved kitty made it back to him after such a long time. See full story here:
Monday, 22 October 2007
I found out today that a co-worker lost her battle with cancer. She passed away yesterday. She was in her early 40's, single mother to a young daughter (12 years old), and a positive joy to all who had the fortune to meet/know her. It was a brief battle, but to my understanding, she wasn't the 'same' person after just a short while; it was brain cancer, and it was very aggressive.
I heard co-workers saying she was at work, at her desk on July 27, and now, Oct 21, she's gone.
I can't stop thinking of her little girl...not yet a teenager, and now, without a Mom to go to for advice, a shoulder, a helping hand.... I guess her daughter gave her a big hug and told her she loved her, and after leaving, that's when she passed. Her daughter is fortunate to have had the opportunity to have the last words be, "I love you". Even though our loved ones 'know' we love them, it helps to heal knowing we've said the words that one last time. I worry that she'll regret not being there to see her mother go...mind you, at her young age, it's really for the best. Knowing I missed Dad's passing though, there's always a piece of me that regrets going out to supper that night...regrets not going straight to the hospital to see him. Regrets not saying "I love you" just one more time. Mind you, maybe he 'waited' until I wasn't there too, and in this case, perhaps my friend waited for her daughter to go, too.
Please, please, those who are reading this now...go straight to the ones you love and give them an extra squeeze...tell them that you love them... Call those people that you've been meaning to call but can't get around to it - tell them how much they mean to you. If you can't call, email them, write them a letter... Life is so precious, and so fragile...and we never know how much time we have left with those we love. Live life with no regrets......
RIP G.L....you will be sadly missed.
I heard co-workers saying she was at work, at her desk on July 27, and now, Oct 21, she's gone.
I can't stop thinking of her little girl...not yet a teenager, and now, without a Mom to go to for advice, a shoulder, a helping hand.... I guess her daughter gave her a big hug and told her she loved her, and after leaving, that's when she passed. Her daughter is fortunate to have had the opportunity to have the last words be, "I love you". Even though our loved ones 'know' we love them, it helps to heal knowing we've said the words that one last time. I worry that she'll regret not being there to see her mother go...mind you, at her young age, it's really for the best. Knowing I missed Dad's passing though, there's always a piece of me that regrets going out to supper that night...regrets not going straight to the hospital to see him. Regrets not saying "I love you" just one more time. Mind you, maybe he 'waited' until I wasn't there too, and in this case, perhaps my friend waited for her daughter to go, too.
Please, please, those who are reading this now...go straight to the ones you love and give them an extra squeeze...tell them that you love them... Call those people that you've been meaning to call but can't get around to it - tell them how much they mean to you. If you can't call, email them, write them a letter... Life is so precious, and so fragile...and we never know how much time we have left with those we love. Live life with no regrets......
RIP G.L....you will be sadly missed.
Time to make the donuts.......
Back to work today - back to a "normal" routine. I felt like it was my first day all over again...flitting and fluttering, stuttering and stumbling over my words like a fool. It was so un-cute. On a side note, my car temperature gauge indicated a balmy 23 degrees Celcuius today as of 1pm, and I'm bedecked in my sandals on Oct 22....w00t w00t!
So the rest of the weekend passed pretty quickly. Saturday night we rented a movie, "Hard Candy". Being October and preparing for All Hallows Eve, we do try to rent spooky/scary movies, and this movie was categorized under "horror". I recall a friend advising she and her husband had rented it, and her husband was 'very disturbed' by it. It should have been labelled a "drama", but I can understand how a man might find it a little horrific. I'll say no more, to avoid spoiling the significance of this horror in the event any of my readership decides to give it a chance. It was ok. Not my favorite, but not the worst I've seen.
Sunday, Chris & I took advantage of the beautiful weather and set out for a drive around town and a walk through the woods at Victoria Park. We took some "fall foliage" photos, and by the time we got home the sun had long set and it was going on 9:00. I had an awesome day. We stopped at Jumbo before heading home and rented "Dead Silence"...the label indicating it was from the makers of "Saw" and promised to be frightening. Meh. Not so much. A select few jumpy parts, but, in all, just a movie about dolls. 2 out of 5 if you ask me. Can anyone recommend a good, spooky, suspense movie to us?
(BTW, if anyone is confused about the title to this post, you may be too young, but it refers to a "Dunkin Donuts" commercial where the donut guy is bemoaning another trip to work, and says to himself, in a drony fashion, "time to make the donuts....time to make the donuts".)
So the rest of the weekend passed pretty quickly. Saturday night we rented a movie, "Hard Candy". Being October and preparing for All Hallows Eve, we do try to rent spooky/scary movies, and this movie was categorized under "horror". I recall a friend advising she and her husband had rented it, and her husband was 'very disturbed' by it. It should have been labelled a "drama", but I can understand how a man might find it a little horrific. I'll say no more, to avoid spoiling the significance of this horror in the event any of my readership decides to give it a chance. It was ok. Not my favorite, but not the worst I've seen.
Sunday, Chris & I took advantage of the beautiful weather and set out for a drive around town and a walk through the woods at Victoria Park. We took some "fall foliage" photos, and by the time we got home the sun had long set and it was going on 9:00. I had an awesome day. We stopped at Jumbo before heading home and rented "Dead Silence"...the label indicating it was from the makers of "Saw" and promised to be frightening. Meh. Not so much. A select few jumpy parts, but, in all, just a movie about dolls. 2 out of 5 if you ask me. Can anyone recommend a good, spooky, suspense movie to us?
(BTW, if anyone is confused about the title to this post, you may be too young, but it refers to a "Dunkin Donuts" commercial where the donut guy is bemoaning another trip to work, and says to himself, in a drony fashion, "time to make the donuts....time to make the donuts".)
Saturday, 20 October 2007
No, really, I AM still here...
Oops I did it again...I left my reading public high and dry for days with no update. Shame on me. You will all be happy to know that the vacation is over and the normal routine will return, so regular posts should ensue.
Since my last post....
-I got caught up on some rest...totally vegging for the week...snuggling under a big blanket with my kitties by my side...watching daytime TV & taped TV in-between naps.
-I cleaned house (not totally top to bottom, but the living room got dusted, so that's a major feat)
-I worked my 2nd Saturday shift at BR, instructing 2 Halloween cards for 3 people, when I'd planned ahead for 10...is it really worth the 4 hrs pay on a minimum wage scale....NOT in the least. We're down one instructor too...so if there's not a new one to replace her, that's going to mean extra Saturday shifts and more classes. I'm quickly learning that the prep time to prepare for the classes far outweighs the meager pay that comes back.
What I did not accomplish this past week that I would have liked to accomplish:
-start on my Christmas cards
-clean the bathroom, bedroom, & scrap room
-clean the bedroom closet (it's SUCH a job it gets its own header)
-arrange to fix my car's bumper
-take the car in for an oil change
-get new tires for the car
-vacuum out the car
-shop for a Halloween outfit
-scrapbook for ME
-eat healthy
-start an exercise routine
-lose a pound or two from aforementioned eating healthy and exercise routine
-go on a day trip off-Island with Christopher
Yeah. Such high hopes. Despite the lack of fulfilling these hopes, the week passed remarkably quick...and back to the 'real world' on Monday. Yahoo. I had a dream one morning this past week...a recurring dream, that kept picking up where it'd left off in-between waking up and drifting off to sleep...a dream where I lost my job. No warnings, no prep, just one day we were all called in by Kevin who advised we'd all been laid off and this was our last day, and we had to clean out our desks. I do need the job, and I know I cannot and will not work for minimum wage, so I'm glad that it was just a dream.
Since my last post....
-I got caught up on some rest...totally vegging for the week...snuggling under a big blanket with my kitties by my side...watching daytime TV & taped TV in-between naps.
-I cleaned house (not totally top to bottom, but the living room got dusted, so that's a major feat)
-I worked my 2nd Saturday shift at BR, instructing 2 Halloween cards for 3 people, when I'd planned ahead for 10...is it really worth the 4 hrs pay on a minimum wage scale....NOT in the least. We're down one instructor too...so if there's not a new one to replace her, that's going to mean extra Saturday shifts and more classes. I'm quickly learning that the prep time to prepare for the classes far outweighs the meager pay that comes back.
What I did not accomplish this past week that I would have liked to accomplish:
-start on my Christmas cards
-clean the bathroom, bedroom, & scrap room
-clean the bedroom closet (it's SUCH a job it gets its own header)
-arrange to fix my car's bumper
-take the car in for an oil change
-get new tires for the car
-vacuum out the car
-shop for a Halloween outfit
-scrapbook for ME
-eat healthy
-start an exercise routine
-lose a pound or two from aforementioned eating healthy and exercise routine
-go on a day trip off-Island with Christopher
Yeah. Such high hopes. Despite the lack of fulfilling these hopes, the week passed remarkably quick...and back to the 'real world' on Monday. Yahoo. I had a dream one morning this past week...a recurring dream, that kept picking up where it'd left off in-between waking up and drifting off to sleep...a dream where I lost my job. No warnings, no prep, just one day we were all called in by Kevin who advised we'd all been laid off and this was our last day, and we had to clean out our desks. I do need the job, and I know I cannot and will not work for minimum wage, so I'm glad that it was just a dream.
Monday, 15 October 2007
I'm still here...
Hi, so you're likely wondering where I've been. Nothing major to report...nothing overly exciting, unfortunately....Lemme see if I can back-track......
-Friday was very uneventful - I was tired and cranky pretty much the whole day, and nothing blog-worthy to report.
-Saturday I had a supreme lazy-ass day, and enjoyed every minute of it - tv, napping with Zoe, more tv. Saturday night we watched "The Blair Witch Project" on tv. It didn't creep me out as much as the first time I'd seen it, but put it this way, I didn't fall asleep...and I walked extra quickly to the bedroom in the dark when it was bed-time.
-Sunday was a continuance of the following day's laziness...home-brewed coffee...pancake brekkie....tv, napping...followed by supper out at Hunter's Ale House (believe it or not it was my first time eating there). It was good...I just got nachos...pretty standard nachos...and it certainly won't replace the Gahan on my list of "best place to get nachos", but I enjoyed my supper just the same. Very quick service, and very generous portions as well. We rented a scary movie after supper (this will be an October 'thing' for us, as we prepare for Halloween - a bit of a tradition as well). We rented "The Grudge 2". Don't waste your money...if you liked the first "Grudge", leave your memory on that one.
-Monday....here we are!.....DAY 1 of VACATION!! I had a doctor's appointment at 9:30, and got in and out of there verrrrry quickly (so freakin' surprised) ... and about a 1/2 hr after returning home my doctor's office called to let me know they arranged a booking ("squeezed me in") for my nerve tests that I've been waiting on a rescheduling of since Aug 1. Yay Dr. M!!!!! From there I continued a bit more laziness...and I think that will finally end the napping and I just might get enough gumption up to DO something around here tonight....the house is a disaster zone...I must clean it up.
I'm out. Ciao.
-Friday was very uneventful - I was tired and cranky pretty much the whole day, and nothing blog-worthy to report.
-Saturday I had a supreme lazy-ass day, and enjoyed every minute of it - tv, napping with Zoe, more tv. Saturday night we watched "The Blair Witch Project" on tv. It didn't creep me out as much as the first time I'd seen it, but put it this way, I didn't fall asleep...and I walked extra quickly to the bedroom in the dark when it was bed-time.
-Sunday was a continuance of the following day's laziness...home-brewed coffee...pancake brekkie....tv, napping...followed by supper out at Hunter's Ale House (believe it or not it was my first time eating there). It was good...I just got nachos...pretty standard nachos...and it certainly won't replace the Gahan on my list of "best place to get nachos", but I enjoyed my supper just the same. Very quick service, and very generous portions as well. We rented a scary movie after supper (this will be an October 'thing' for us, as we prepare for Halloween - a bit of a tradition as well). We rented "The Grudge 2". Don't waste your money...if you liked the first "Grudge", leave your memory on that one.
-Monday....here we are!.....DAY 1 of VACATION!! I had a doctor's appointment at 9:30, and got in and out of there verrrrry quickly (so freakin' surprised) ... and about a 1/2 hr after returning home my doctor's office called to let me know they arranged a booking ("squeezed me in") for my nerve tests that I've been waiting on a rescheduling of since Aug 1. Yay Dr. M!!!!! From there I continued a bit more laziness...and I think that will finally end the napping and I just might get enough gumption up to DO something around here tonight....the house is a disaster zone...I must clean it up.
I'm out. Ciao.
Friday, 12 October 2007
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Holy crap!
Riiiiight outside my window...
Thankfully, all involved were able to get out safely before the explosions.
This could have been much, much worse.
It was on this day........

126, 227, 704 seconds.
1460 days.
October 11, 2007....Happy 4 years Christopher. xoxo.
4 years ago today we 'met' in person for the very first time. A phone call prior to the pick-up to ensure it was all still a go, and a big exclamation from Chris, "Oh my God, it's so good to finally hear your voice!!". We had been 'chat' friends for four years prior, 'meeting' online by accident as a roommate of mine had added him to my ICQ friend list, thinking he was someone else. I was always too shy to meet him prior. For some reason I decided this was the time to 'meet'. Chris had already resolved himself to our relationship being strictly electronic after I opted out of several other opportunities to meet prior (that he'd attempted to set up).
It was a warm fall day...a 'top down' day for the convertible Tracker. Chris picked me up at my townhouse on Burns and from there, we traveled to Kensington to The Frosty Treat dairy bar where we sipped on a chocolate milkshake and talked for hours. Upon getting back into town toward evening, we decided to continue our talk and walked around the waterfront, surveying some of the damage there that Hurricane Juan had caused. Chris took me around to the areas he'd been out taking pictures of, just after the storm. He also pointed out the initials he'd engraved into the wood along the waterfront for himself and a past girlfriend. Maybe it's time now to engrave our own? As evening set in we finally decided it was time to end the 'date', and Chris gave me the CD he'd made for me months and months prior (another attempt to have us 'meet' that I'd ducked out on).
And, here we are today. The rest is history. The future is yet to be.
The state of superconsiousness

Prior to the show, we went for supper at Mavors, at the Centre. We'd never been there before, and enjoyed it. Chris had a beer, I had a glass of wine; dinner was Rickards Red-battered fish 'n chips for Chris, and I had the chicken & broccoli crepes with a garden salad; and finally, dessert, where Chris enjoyed creme brule, and I had an apple/almond/cinnamon pastry thing that was just fair. (Maybe it was Chris' full belly that prevented him from succumbing to his 'superconsious'?). A genuine date, it was...so fun!! Chris even went hat-less for me. I felt so special. Thanks for a lovely evening, dawling.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Sometimes I just want happy silence...
Greetings - so I opted for my flat shoes today. Yesterday was difficult! The shoes were very pretty...and I felt so tall and svelte. Well, I felt tall. But I actually had to walk differently to avoid going over on my ankles. If I felt that the new walk would, somehow, aid in calorie-burning I might consider wearing them always, but ... reality is a biotch. This all aside, I really miss my sandals. I do need to go out shopping for some comfortable, fashionable, comfortable, inexpensive, comfortable shoes. Lana's already made fun of my 'flats'. Who wants to go shoe shopping with me?
I'm happy it's hump day. Yesterday we had to work an extra hour overtime but we're back to normal hours for the remainder of the week. Despite the fact that it's a 4 day week and normal hours, though,...it's c-r-a-w-l-i-n-g....likely because I'm on vacation next week!!!!! EEE!!! I had hoped to report that we'd be taking a trip somewhere, but I'm afraid that won't come to fruition....booooooooo adulthood and booooooo on bills. I'm hoping we might even be able to skip away to Moncton even for a just a day trip or something...we'll see.
Congratulations to Christopher (http://www.cwilkinson.com/) for having photos accepted by a stock photo agency! That's big for a budding photographer. Proud of you hunny!! *muah*
I'm happy it's hump day. Yesterday we had to work an extra hour overtime but we're back to normal hours for the remainder of the week. Despite the fact that it's a 4 day week and normal hours, though,...it's c-r-a-w-l-i-n-g....likely because I'm on vacation next week!!!!! EEE!!! I had hoped to report that we'd be taking a trip somewhere, but I'm afraid that won't come to fruition....booooooooo adulthood and booooooo on bills. I'm hoping we might even be able to skip away to Moncton even for a just a day trip or something...we'll see.
Congratulations to Christopher (http://www.cwilkinson.com/) for having photos accepted by a stock photo agency! That's big for a budding photographer. Proud of you hunny!! *muah*
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Thou shalt not steal...
FARMINGTON, MO. — Shoplifters at Country Mart tend to favor cold medicines and packaged meats. They used to steal cigarettes, too, until tobacco was moved behind the counter. But the doughnuts were never a target for thieves....Then one man's sweet tooth got the better of him. He stole a doughnut...(and) because Masters has a prior record, (and because he assaulted the co-worker who caught him in the act) he could get a sentence of 30 years to life...One detail may never emerge: the kind of doughnut Masters stole...Even Masters, sitting in jail with only time to think, said he could not remember. It is a detail that seems lost to history...Masters never got a chance to enjoy that fateful doughnut. He said he threw it to the ground when he fled.
Full story:
Full story:
Update on the weekend
-Friday after work, I completely crashed for a few hours...so tired all the time lately. After I finally woke up, I was famished...so Chris & I headed to Pizza Delight for supper. As usual, they didn't disappoint. We just came back home after that. I had to prep my cards for the card class on Saturday, and pretty much hit the hay thereafter.
-Saturday I had my first shift at BR. It was ok. Lisa came in with me and helped out with the card-making class. She had 2 lovely cards ready to go, and I had just one that she'd advised me to have ready. Mine was really plain. I guess everyone's their own worst critic, though, huh? I'm pretty certain that a certain person is going to be a regular fixture each weekend I work, however, and that takes a lot of the happiness away. Oh well.
-Saturday night Chris & I went grocery shopping (you know you're in a 'relationship' when the two of you have a night out at the grocery store on the weekend). From there, we rented a movie (Saw III ...we're gluttons for punishment...in the usual Saw fashion, it was gory-tummy turningly so-but it was good, if you like that kind of stuff).
-Sunday, we enjoyed a lazy start of the day, watching taped tv as we scarfed down Chris' bacon/egg breakfast...YUM. Later that day we headed on to the Wilkinson homestead for Thanksgiving supper. We stayed back and watched TV with Chris' parents after supper, so it was close to 9:30 or 10:00 before we got home. I just got ready for bed and watched TV til I fell asleep (my life is so stimulating, I know).
-Monday I tried not to sleep in so it wouldn't be so hard to get up on Tuesday. I should have cleaned the house. Should, woulda, coulda...when Chris asked me if I wanted to go for a drive, I certainly decided that was more important than clean-up. We got lunch at Timothys (coffee & a sammich), and drove up to Victoria-by-the-Sea. So pretty up there. The pictures on this post are all from there.
And here we are. So far this morning I spilled my cereal all over the floor...then after dust busting it off the floor I ended up dumping it back on the floor once the dust buster was turned upside-down. I forgot my lunch in the fridge. And, I'm wearing new shoes today that have a skinnier heel than I'm used to, so I'm anticipating a sprain or at least a topple downward.
Monday, 8 October 2007
-the love of my mom, the rest of my family & my friends
-my kitties
-my sight
-my hearing
-my sense of smell & touch
-living near the ocean and the ability to walk through the sand barefoot on a warm day
-long drives with no particular destination in mind
-my camera to capture moment by moment
-living in a country free of war
-memories of my father
-a roof over my head
And what are you thankful for?
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Friday, 5 October 2007
It's Plum Nasty!
You can always count on me for news of the bizarre nature. This is certainly worth a watch:
Pay careful attention to Mr. Whisnant's words. It's a hoot!
Pay careful attention to Mr. Whisnant's words. It's a hoot!
Good morning,
Last night's trip to Gahan with the girlies was a *hoot*! We got caught up on each other's lives, including Pam's engagement ring (gooooorgeous!), and Erin's ultrasound picture (eeek!!!! so exciting!!). The nachos were delish (by 7:30-8:00 I was finally hungry again) - and kudos to our waiter for working with the kitchen staff to have our chicken cooked inside the nachos rather than sprinkled on the top. Erin looks completely adorable as a mummy-to-be, and I can't stop smiling for her...she waited so long for this and it's finally here! We ended the night with a big 'ol belly laugh...that was so good it ended in tears. (Remember girls, just pull them apart, and go!). Fun times!
So being out last night I did miss my Thursday TV; I taped the shows, of course. I did, however, get home in time to catch Greys. I *heart* Greys. I really, really do.
Weekend plans are a little up in the air as yet...tonight I'm going to stay in and get some laundry done and prep for work at BR tomorrow. Apparently this weekend marks "National Card Making Day" so I have to prepare supplies for a card to make. I work only 12-4 so it'll be pretty easy I suspect. But it is my first shift there so still a little nervous...since I don't have a lot of product knowledge. Lisa is supposed to stop in with her own card to make so we'll see how it goes. From there, I'm hoping to relax and rejuvenate (whilst watching taped TV, of course!). Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. I'll be working on a list of "things that I'm thankful for" to mark the occasion...so watch for that in post.
Last night's trip to Gahan with the girlies was a *hoot*! We got caught up on each other's lives, including Pam's engagement ring (gooooorgeous!), and Erin's ultrasound picture (eeek!!!! so exciting!!). The nachos were delish (by 7:30-8:00 I was finally hungry again) - and kudos to our waiter for working with the kitchen staff to have our chicken cooked inside the nachos rather than sprinkled on the top. Erin looks completely adorable as a mummy-to-be, and I can't stop smiling for her...she waited so long for this and it's finally here! We ended the night with a big 'ol belly laugh...that was so good it ended in tears. (Remember girls, just pull them apart, and go!). Fun times!
So being out last night I did miss my Thursday TV; I taped the shows, of course. I did, however, get home in time to catch Greys. I *heart* Greys. I really, really do.
Weekend plans are a little up in the air as yet...tonight I'm going to stay in and get some laundry done and prep for work at BR tomorrow. Apparently this weekend marks "National Card Making Day" so I have to prepare supplies for a card to make. I work only 12-4 so it'll be pretty easy I suspect. But it is my first shift there so still a little nervous...since I don't have a lot of product knowledge. Lisa is supposed to stop in with her own card to make so we'll see how it goes. From there, I'm hoping to relax and rejuvenate (whilst watching taped TV, of course!). Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. I'll be working on a list of "things that I'm thankful for" to mark the occasion...so watch for that in post.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
...to have a love like that....
Thank ye internal alarm
My pants are tight this morning. I usually air-dry them...but someone dried them. I really don't want to make an issue of it, because I truly adore and appreciate the help that someone gives me from a time-to-time basis...Maybe the feeling of fluffy discomfort will force me to eat healthy today (umm...staff "Thanksgiving" day...turkey dinner for lunch, with alllll the trimmings. I really didn't think too long about this, now did I?). I rose to greet the day this morning with my internal alarm clock to thank...having set the alarm for the PM hours, not AM. Whoops! I'm shocked I didn't sleep in.
So tonight I'm heading out for nachos with the girlies to celebrate Tanya's birthday. So fun. Can't wait. I'll have to tape the Thursday TV tonight. So no updates tomorrow re: my favourite shows. I know you're disappointed. So sorry.
I really should have worn my eating pants today.
So tonight I'm heading out for nachos with the girlies to celebrate Tanya's birthday. So fun. Can't wait. I'll have to tape the Thursday TV tonight. So no updates tomorrow re: my favourite shows. I know you're disappointed. So sorry.
I really should have worn my eating pants today.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Happy Birthday Tanya!
The week has started up slowly. After an exhausting work day yesterday I came home and took my usual stance in front of the TV. We dined `a la $5 pizza Monday from PD from supper...after which I napped until Dragons Den came on. It was the season premiere. What a great show! And to think that I criticized Chris for watching a show on "CBC" and almost didn't watch it last season. For anyone in my readership who hasn't seen a show of Dragons Den, trust the tv junkie and give it a look...you won't be disappointed.
Happy Birthday Tanya!!!!!!!! Now, if we could only compromise on a time to get together with you to celebrate. The gorgeous gal in the photo is a pic of Tanya at Julie's wedding. :) She'll love me for posting it.
Monday, 1 October 2007
Happy Monday
Happy October. Where'd August go, anyway??
I had to scrape my windows today. Must've been quite a sight, I dare say...scraper in hand and sandals on my feet. I'm just not ready to put the sandies away just yet.
So, a weekend update for you:
-Friday night I met with Angela after work to go out for supper. We went to BP, and it was, per usual, a tasty treat. Thereafter we headed over to Buy-Rite to purchase a few needed scrapping items, and I picked up some supplies to work on another class page, and then onward to her house to get crafty. I was pretty tired, but managed to bang out a pretty good layout, if I do say so myself. It's a 'heritage' theme, and I think I will use it for my next class. There are some pretty cool distressing techniques that can be taught.
-Saturday, Chris & I got up early to have a bit of time together...which, lately, is a rareity. We went to Timothys for a breakfast bagel and coffee. Oh so so good. Their new locale is really nice, too. From there, we headed over to the Humane Society and visited the dogs and cats. Oh how I could have walked out of there with a few more cats. But I didn't. From there, we booted back home so I could pick up my stuff and head to Scrap-Rite for the crop. It was a pretty lax crop, creativity-wise, only completing 3 pages. Oh well, it was fun, nonetheless.
-Sunday I managed to sleep in, then got up to get ready to join Amber & Kim at P&Ws for an early supper. It was lovely seeing you, ladies!! Afterwards I got a few loads of laundry done, and settled in to watch my taped tv from the week earlier.
-I still have that lump on my neck. It's sore to the touch...like a ginormous pimple or bite...very annoying. I know I'm not supposed to google medical stuff...it just isn't a good idea...but one thing I did find was it could be an infection of some kind...and should clear in a few weeks. There is a bug going around, and I've been having bouts of not 'feeling myself', so I'm hopeful that's all it is.
Now we're embarking upon a new week. The weekend went by in such a blur I need another day to recover. Unfortunately, I don't get one. Happy Monday, everyone.
I had to scrape my windows today. Must've been quite a sight, I dare say...scraper in hand and sandals on my feet. I'm just not ready to put the sandies away just yet.
So, a weekend update for you:
-Friday night I met with Angela after work to go out for supper. We went to BP, and it was, per usual, a tasty treat. Thereafter we headed over to Buy-Rite to purchase a few needed scrapping items, and I picked up some supplies to work on another class page, and then onward to her house to get crafty. I was pretty tired, but managed to bang out a pretty good layout, if I do say so myself. It's a 'heritage' theme, and I think I will use it for my next class. There are some pretty cool distressing techniques that can be taught.
-Saturday, Chris & I got up early to have a bit of time together...which, lately, is a rareity. We went to Timothys for a breakfast bagel and coffee. Oh so so good. Their new locale is really nice, too. From there, we headed over to the Humane Society and visited the dogs and cats. Oh how I could have walked out of there with a few more cats. But I didn't. From there, we booted back home so I could pick up my stuff and head to Scrap-Rite for the crop. It was a pretty lax crop, creativity-wise, only completing 3 pages. Oh well, it was fun, nonetheless.
-Sunday I managed to sleep in, then got up to get ready to join Amber & Kim at P&Ws for an early supper. It was lovely seeing you, ladies!! Afterwards I got a few loads of laundry done, and settled in to watch my taped tv from the week earlier.
-I still have that lump on my neck. It's sore to the touch...like a ginormous pimple or bite...very annoying. I know I'm not supposed to google medical stuff...it just isn't a good idea...but one thing I did find was it could be an infection of some kind...and should clear in a few weeks. There is a bug going around, and I've been having bouts of not 'feeling myself', so I'm hopeful that's all it is.
Now we're embarking upon a new week. The weekend went by in such a blur I need another day to recover. Unfortunately, I don't get one. Happy Monday, everyone.
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